War of a Rose • Chapter 8

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Alessio was leaving today. Imelda and Liliana had already left this morning. He was supposed to depart with his father this evening. This was the last day I had to see him for two weeks until the wedding. And he had made sure to use all his time with me before he left.

After his mother and sister's departure, he requested that I accompany him to lunch in the garden. He waited for me for twenty minutes before I joined him. Alessio sat relaxed in his chair, his white button-up rolled to his elbows. A silver chain hung from his neck. Dipping under the collar of his shirt. His black hair was slicked back as usual, and he watched me with an annoyed expression.

I took my time walking to the table. Alessio stood to pull out of my seat. Before he could push it back in, I scooted myself forward. Making sure that my dress sleeve slipped from my shoulder. If I'm forced to spend time with him, I might as well make some fun out of it.

"Tell me, Alessio, what exactly do you desire from me? Aside from robbing me of my birthright and all." I stabbed my fork into the piece of steak, making sure he took note of my aggression.

He took a long sip of his wine before responding, "What more could a man want than a beautiful woman, little Rose? Especially one as promising as you."

"Don't you think by now you should have the answer to that? As many beautiful women, you have undoubtedly spent time with. Why are none of them by your side." I paused to take a sip of my wine, "Why have none of them become your bride? Apparently, you wanted more than they had to give."

"Perhaps none of them were as intriguing as you, Rosaelia. I think you also forget the fact that you are rightfully mine, and you have been for many years. I've only just now come to claim you."

The way he worded himself heated my blood. I was not some prize to claim. I am a woman. I am a human and to be regarded as a piece of property was disgusting.

"There it is. That's what you want more from me. You want my father's business. It's not a shocker Alessio. You've clarified that I'm nothing but another asset in your goal to expand your business."

"Think what you will, Rose, but you are the one who said it- not me. If it is so clear, then you should have also realized that there is nothing you can do to deter me from getting what I want. You are mine, and you will always be mine. I will not force you to do anything physical. I have no problem waiting until you beg me to take you. But for now, you can resist all you would like."

This was a losing fight, and I had no desire to continue with his games. I fixed the strap of my dress and finished our lunch, ignoring him entirely. I am not his, and I will make it abundantly clear.

I made sure to be late for his departure as well. He stood with his father and me as I walked toward them. A short black dress hugged my tanned skin. The evening breeze blew hair around my face as I approached him. I ignored my father's face. He was mad. I could feel the rage radiating his body.

"I almost forgot to say goodbye." My left hand slid around Alessio's neck. I pulled myself up on my tiptoes and planted a deep kiss on his lips.

Before he had time to react, I pulled away and threw a devious smile his way, "Ciao."

I turned on my heels as he spoke. "Ciao, little Rose." My head focused forward so that he could not see the eye roll I gave him.

My father didn't get a chance to reprimand me as I slammed my car door and sped off. These two weeks were the last free days of my life. I wasn't about to spend a day sulking. I was going to make them count.

Flashing lights, blaring music, and a fruity drink occupied all my senses as I took another swing of my cup. Before I could even flag the bartender, he slid another one my way. I sent him a smile as I lifted the mug, tipping it towards him to say thank you.

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