7- after all these years

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Daniela POV

I finally had graduated this year and I couldn't be happier.

Back in 2018 this girl named Gabriela followed me so I decided to follow her back and she DM'd me and she turned out to be really nice and we ended up being friends. We always wanted to meet but either she was busy or I was doing something but we finally had the day free today and we decided to meet up and I was in the process of getting ready.

30 minutes later

It was 3:00 pm and we decided to meet at 4:00 so to kill time I went on Instagram.

I saw Gabi had posted a picture and I was about to like it but I saw she posted a selfie of her and Benitos BROTHER. I don't know how they know each other but I hope he's not coming or Benito because I'm not ready for that.

At cafe

I was sitting at a table waiting for Gabriela.

A few minutes passed by when she had finally came alone making me let out a breath

"Hey girl" I got up to greet her

"Hi, finally we're meeting" she sat down as I did the same

" I know right how do we both live in San Juan but never met"

"I know I can't believe it either" she looked at the menu

"Did you order yet"

"Yea I did"

Her phone vibrated as she looked at it and started texting

"Sorry if you don't mind but my boyfriend really wanted to come, it's his favorite cafe" she set her phone back down

"No it's okay, I love this Cafe too it's really good"

I hope it's not who I think it is

"You've been at this cafe before"

"Yes thousands of times" I laughed

"Seriously I don't know how we've never ran into each other before" she laughed along

Benito POV

"Okay Beno Gabriela me acaba de mandar un mensaje diciendo que ya esta con Dani y que ya vayamos pa ya"

Me puse nervioso, no puedo creer que finalmente la voy a volver a ver.

"Ay no se que dicir le"

"Tranquilo, todo va estar bien"

"Okay pues ya vamos"

"Estás seguro?"

"Si vamos"

"Okay pues vamos"

Vi a Gabriela y Daniela estaba sentada a el lado suyo, después de todos estos años sigue igual de bella, noto que se hizo el pelo rubio pero no importa.

Mientras la miraba levantó su cabeza y me miró pero rápidamente bajo su cabeza de nuevo a el menú. Note que se veía un poco incómoda.

Daniela POV

I looked up from the menu and I saw him again after all these years. We made eye contact and that made me feel some type of way so i instantly looked back at the menu.

They walked over and I could smell his cologne the same cologne that I used to buy him in high school I can't believe his still wore it.

"Daniela this is my boy friend and his brother"

I knew I had to Greet them and I did not want to but I had to

"Which one is your boy friend" 

"Him, Bernie"

I obviously knew both of them I mean we grew up with each other but I was going to be petty.

"Hi I'm Daniela, nice to meet you" I said to Bernie causing him to make a confused face

"I'm Daniela what's your name sir" I turned to Benito

"Que? Daniela soy yo, Benito"

Obviously. But like I said I want to be petty towards him.

"Sorry I don't know if I'm supposed to know you but i don't. Excuse me I have to use the bathroom"

I went in and locked it. I cried because I just can't do it, I don't want to look at him. As soon as I saw him again, it made all those feelings come back the ones I tried so hard to ignore all the process I made of trying to get him out my head went to shit as soon as I saw him.

Get it together Daniela.

I grabbed a paper towel and dabbed under my eyes trying to not make it as obvious that I was crying.

I pulled myself together and went back to where they were.

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