13- tour day

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2 days later

It's finally the day I get to go on tour with daddy yankee and I couldn't be more excited. I was currently finishing up on packing my stuff.

Ever since the bbq I haven't seen nor spoken with Benito and I did as I said, I blocked him. I have talked with Gabriela though.

"Mami ya acabaste" Antonio asked me

"Yeah I'm just putting my journal in"

I put in the journal and closed the suitcase. I picked it up and left it next to the bedroom door.

"I'm just going to shower real quick so we can get going"

"I'll go with you"

I nodded and grabbed the clothes I was going to change into and my towel.

I walked inside the bathroom with Antonio behind me. Once I got in I started undressing and turned on the water, I waited for it to get hot and got in.

I felt Antonio get in not too long after me, he pulled me in and kissed me, I gave him a smile.

"I'm going to miss you"

"I know I'll miss you too but I'll call you everyday"

"I know it's just we've never spent so much time apart"

"I know but it'll be okay you'll see it'll go by fast"

He smiled and kissed me again

After the shower

"Babe the taxis here, I'm leaving"

"Okay I'll miss you"

Antonio came over to me and gave me a kiss before I left

"I'll miss you too but I'll be back soon"

"I know okay bye have fun mami"

"I will"

I kissed him one last time and grabbed my last suitcase and got in the taxi

"wow usted tiene un montón de cosas, pa donde va?"

I looked up at the taxi driver to pay him more attention

"me voy de gira"

He looked at me funny then drove off

At the airport

We finally got to the airport where there was a bunch of planes and tour buses, I saw people boarding a tour bus. I was eager to finally board also.

"Wow en serio que no estaba mintiendo"

"Nope"  I laughed

"Me puede esperar aquí, ahorita regreso"

He nodded as I got out and made my way to the front desk to check in

"Hi I'm here with LATINA" I greeted the front desk lady

"First name please"


"Oh yes here you are, let me get your pass"

She got up and went to the back. I was so nervous yet excited for this opportunity.

"Here you go Daniela, this is so they won't confuse you with a fan"

I got the pass and looked at it

Daniela Ruiz
Journalist for LATINA
Pass for: Bad Bunny, el ultimo tour del mundo

El último tour del mundo? No this can't be correct, Stephanie said this was for daddy Yankee.

"Ma'am I think there's a misunderstanding, they told me I was interviewing daddy Yankee not Bad Bunny"

She gave me a confused face.

"Daddy Yankee has never had a journalist nor does interviews on tour"

"Please can you check cause I swear this is wrong"

She was clearly getting annoyed with me

"Fine let me check"

She went on her computer and started typing

"Nope this is correct see it says for bad bunny"

She showed me her computer screen and pointed at it and she was right it was right there.

"Are you sure there isn't something else you can do"

"Look you have to take that up with your agent there's nothing I can do"

I took a step aside and called Stephanie

"Stephanie turns out I'm supposed to be interviewing bad bunny not daddy Yankee"

"That's great!"

"No that's not great, what am I supposed to do"

I never told Stephanie about my past because I never saw the need to so obviously she wouldn't get why I don't want to go on this tour.

"Well continue as if you were going to interview yankee"

"No you dont understand, is there a way I can get out of this"

"You know you're bound to the contract"

"Fuck okay I'll see what I'm going to do"

I hung up and went back to the lady

"So did you get it resolved"

"Not yet"

I sighed and massaged my temples

I got a call and it was Stephanie again so I answered it


"Yea I called the organizers and they said you have to do it, they can't find another person last minute"

"Okay what would happen if I didn't do it"

"Daniela you would get a really bad rep, people wouldn't want to work with you"

Fuck she's right if I didn't do this I wouldn't get hired for other jobs because it would seem like I quit every time I didn't like something

"Okay fine I'll do it"

"Great better get going"

She hung up and I sighed

"Hey Vanessa is everyone here yet"

A man came over and talked to the desk lady

"Yeah this is Daniela she's the journalist"

"Oh great I'll help you get your bags so we can get going"

"Oh I don't know if she will"

"What do you mean"

"She thought she was going on daddy Yankees tour and she's talking to her agent about it right now"

"So are you doing it or not"

"Yeah I decided to do it"

"Great I'll get your bags and I'll see you at that tour bus"

He pointed to the one I saw previously

"Great" I whispered to where only I could here

Ojitos Lindos | Bad BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now