24- la inspiración eres tu

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Daniela POV

We finally arrived at the venue. We went through a way where there are no fans allowed so we can all come out in peace.

I walked backstage as Benito was getting ready. There was a couch so I decided to sit down.

"Hey Noah I think I'm going to hang back here this time for the show if that's okay"

"Yeah that's fine but are you sure you don't want to be in the crowd with everyone else? Plus I think you'll get better content for the article"

"No it's fine I can literally see him right there"

I pointed at an open passageway that was connected to the stage. You could definitely see him pretty well through there.

"Okay if that's what you prefer"

He walked away and went to where Benito was.

I grabbed my phone and saw I had some messages from Stephanie and Antonio. Mostly from Stephanie, I answered her first. I didn't answer Antonio, I just couldn't.

"Que es eso que no vas estar ahí afuera con los demás"

I looked up to see Benito, I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Porque no quiero?"

He sat next to me, "esta bien pero you're always welcome"

After the show

We were all now in the car on our way back to the hotel. Thank god we got food at the concert cause if not I would've been starving.

I'm actually so tired. The car finally came to a stop. I waited for bysael to get out so I could as well.

I decided to wait for benito since he was the one with the card.

"Hurry up"

"I'm coming!"

We walked back to our room. I waited for him to unlock the door. Finally the door opened, I walked straight to the bed and laid down.

"Y no te vas a poner tus pajamas?

"I don't have the energy, I want to sleep but you know what I'll do it cause I am not going to be able to sleep with uncomfortable ass jeans"

I went to my suitcase and grabbed some sleeping shorts and tank top.

I went to the bathroom to change and remove my makeup. I put my hair into a ponytail and walked back outside where Benito was laying down, he wasn't sleeping was just staring at the ceiling. He saw me and propped his head up with his hands.

"Todavía no me hiciste el interview hoy"

"Lo podemos hacer mañana please? Estoy muy cansada"

"Si esta bien, tenemos el día libre así que si"

He got up so I can pull the sheets back. I fixed my pillow and laid down sighing in relief.

"I'll be back" I saw benito going into the bathroom.

I closed my eyes as I started falling asleep.

Next day.

Daniela POV

I woke up feeling the sun on my face. I turn around faced with a sleeping benito. I got up and put my crocs on. I went to the bathroom to pee and wash my face. I fixed my hair and went outside to the breakfast area. I walked in to see Bernie and Gabriela.

"Buenos días"

I yawned "buenos días gabi"

She grabbed her already full plate and got out of my way so I could grab a plate, " y como dormiste?"

I shrugged "honestamente muy bien, me siento como brand new"

She laughed, "y Benito?"

"Dormido, ya sabes"

"Bueno me voy pa ya, te vienes ahorita que acabes"

I nodded as I grabbed some food. When I was done I went to sit with Bernie and gabi.

"Y que vas hacer hoy?"  Bernie asked

"Bueno tengo que hacer el interview de Benito ya que no lo hice ayer"

"Pero no creo que va hacer todo el día verdad?"

"No creo porque? Que quieren hacer hoy"

"Ay no se vamos hacer tourist things?"

"No se gabi, I mean No quiero que piensen que soy lame pero hoy yo quiero hacer absolutamente nada" i laughed

"También no se suena nada mal, y se vemos una movie o algo, todos?"

"Hmm si esta bien, en el cuarto de quien?"

"El tuyo y Benito?"

"Okay esta bien, yo le digo"

"Bueno ahí los vemos, le mando mensaje a los demás"

When I was done I went back up to my room, Benito was still asleep so I decided to shower. I decided to wear a brown one piece. I grabbed it and went inside the bathroom.

After I was done with everything I went back outside where benito was now awake and sitting on the bed looking for something to watch on the TV.

"Hey buenos días"

"Hola benito"

I put my dirty clothes in my luggage.

I grabbed my recorder, my phone, and notebook.

"Todavia quieres hacer el interview?"

"Si dale"

He turned off the TV and put his full attention to me.

I asked him a couple of questions and he said whatever. I could tell his was getting bored. These questions Stephanie gave me are so common and honestly boring.

"Okay ultima pregunta, cuál es la inspiración de tus canciones? Puede ser como amigos, tú lifestyle, cosas así"

He grabbed the recorder and turned it off, "Daniela la inspiración de mis canciones y álbums. Canciones como te mudaste, dime si te acuerdas, otra noche en Miami, son pa it. Eres tú mi inspiración"

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