18- she looks like you

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I was on the sideline watching the way benito performed with so much passion. Jomar was doing his thing, taking pictures of beno.

Benito was singing the last song of the night which was "<3". I loved this song so much and by the way the crowd was acting I could tell it was their fav also.

The concert was eventually over and we all met Benito backstage. Jomar went up to him first to show him the photos he took. After awhile he fixed his gaze on me and waved me over, I walked over to them.

"Te gusto el concierto mami?"

"Mhm I love the chemistry you have up there"

"I love what I do"

"Oh yeah um I'm supposed to ask you questions"

"Oh that's right just hold on cause there's a reporter coming right now to do an interview"

Just as if on cue, a dark haired lady walks in

"Oh there she is, can we do it at the hotel?"

"Oh yeah sure"

After I gave him my answer he walks away with the interviewer. I go and sit on the couch across from them with jomar and Bernie.

"She kind of looks like you"

"No she does not"

"Dani she kind of does"

I study her closer and she does have similar features but I still think we look nothing alike. The interview hasn't started yet but I noticed Benito chatting and laughing it up with her.

"He likes her"

I could just tell by the way he looked at her

"Dani, are you jealous"

"Stop Bernie, of course not why would I"

"Makes sense he likes her, she definitely looks like you"

"Literally stop saying that"

I rolled my eyes and got up and went to a different part of the room. I looked at her closely examining her, she doesn't even look like me, does she?

I saw the way he looks at her, it's the way he used to look at me when we we first started dating. Fuck.

I looked at the time and it had been at least 30 minutes since the interview finished and he was still talking to her. I'm pissed because I'm supposed to be asking him questions and so far he's just been talking to her. I went and made my way to them, I tapped him on the shoulder

"Come on we're leaving"

"No we're not"

He turned back and started talking to girl again making me even more mad than before

"I said we're leaving, I'll be waiting in the car"

I heard him say his goodbyes to the girl as I heard his footsteps behind me

"Que carajo te pasa, cuál es tu fucking problema"

I stopped walking and turned around to look at him

"Tú, tú eres mi fucking problema. we were supposed to do our interview and like always you picked another bitch to talk to"

I started walking to the car again when i finally made it and got in. He got in and sat next to me as he turned to look at me

"You're jealous"

I looked at him," I'm not"

"You are, I can tell"

"Whatever I just want to go back to the hotel and get this interview done with"

For the whole ride there we didn't say anything to each other.

We finally got there, I got out and didn't wait for him. I finally made it, I rolled my eyes because I forgot Benito had the card. I waited for him to come and open the door. I watched as he came up the stairs, he was a little mad.

He opened it and I made my way in sitting on the bed and getting my questions and audio recorder out.

"Can you sit down" I said to Benito who I noticed was just looking out the window. He sat down and looked at me with an angry expression. I don't know why he's giving me attitude when I should be the mad one.

I grabbed my audio recorder and my notebook full of questions

"Okay I'm about to start it"

I turned on the audio recorder

"Okay what is your favorite thing to do in tour"

"I like looking at different places of wherever we go basically being a tourist"

"Okay next question, what is your favorite thing to eat on tour"

"Umm I don't know I like trying the cultural food but my go to is usually McDonald's"

"What has been your favorite place to go to so far"

"Definitely Mexico, it's beautiful there and the fans always show me so much love"

I asked him a couple more questions before I turned off the recorder since that was the last question Stephanie sent me

"Okay I'm done, that's all the questions they sent me"

I quickly sent the recordings to Stephanie before she tells me anything.

I got up and grabbed some pjs after I went into the bathroom to take off my makeup and change. Once I was done I took out my hair and put it up into a bun, I went back into the room cause I was ready to knock out, that's when I saw Benito laying down on top of the bed making me sigh.

"Benito can you please move"

"Why should I"

"Literally stop giving me attitude I don't even want to fight with you anymore all I want to do is sleep"

"Dani I don't want to fight either, I know I also acted out of character I'm sorry"

"It's okay just please move so I can sleep"

"Right sorry"

He got up and i undid the covers and laid down, the bed felt so nice. I felt Benito come and lay down next to me, I know I said I was going to put a pillow between us but I think I'm not actually going to. I turned around to face him and gave him a smile as he returned it

"Good night beno"

"Buenas noches mami te amo"

I froze. I didn't know what to say. Maybe he said it on accident?

"Sorry it's a habit, night"

He turned the opposite side as I closed my eyes and tried falling asleep.

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