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Daniela POV

I woke up to the smell of junk food, to be exact, it was McDonald's.

I rubbed my eyes and got up and walked out where everyone else was.

"look who's up" Bernie said "we got you food"

"yeah Benito told us to get you a chicken sandwich and nuggets with a sprite" bysael handed me the food

I smiled to myself, I can't believe he still remembers my order after all these years.  I dug into my food, I was so hungry I hadn't ate since this morning.

"el show va star' bien cabrón"

I saw Benito come in from a different part of the tour bus with Jomar. I minded my business and continued to eat.

Jomar came and sat next to me, "and you Dani, are you excited"

"hmm" I looked at him "oh yea super excited" I sarcastically said

"I'm glad, look at these pictures I took of beno at one of his old shows"

He showed me some pictures on his camera and they looked so good, he was really talented

"Oh wow they look amazing"

"Gracias mami" Benito sat next to me, I rolled my eyes

"I wasn't talking about you"

"Well you basically complimented me and said I looked amazing"

I didn't answer cause he was starting to annoy me, I don't know how I'm going to handle a month of this.

"I'll be in the back to take a quick nap before we arrive"

Jomar got up and went back where the bunks were. Benito stayed beside me so I just continued eating.

Noah came back in, "there's like 20 minutes before we arrive, I already wrote down who everyone's sleeping with", "except you dani, the only person available for you to share a bed with is Benito"

Oh fuck no.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah sorry there's no other available spots"

I'll literally sleep with the bus driver before I share a bed with Benito.

"Please I can sleep in the tour bus"

"Sorry but that's not an option, they take the bus to a different location"

i sighed in annoyance, "fine if there's no one else"

"wow you're not happy"

I didn't reply and stayed silent

"Okay great I'll write it down" Noah said then left again.

We finally arrived at the hotel. I got out and waited for Noah with everyone else.

"Okay guys here are your room keys guys, please don't do anything bad"

Benito got the room key and I walked behind him. All of a sudden he came to a stop

"Why'd you stop"

"I was waiting for you"

I nodded and continued walking now next to him. After a couple minutes of walking we finally got to our hotel room.

Benito opened the door as he got inside, I followed behind him and put my suitcase next to the bed. He locked the door and sat on the bed.

"So since there's only one bed, do you want to sleep on the couch or do you want me to"

The couch was small but it would have to do after all I'm not sleeping in the same bed as him so soon.

"What do you mean, there's enough room for the both of us"

He laid down and looked at me with that look he would always give me, the look that would always make me go weak. I sat on the bed trying my hardest to not fall in his trap.

"Fine whatever but I'm putting a pillow between us"

"Whatever makes you feel better mami"

he always called me that, that was one of the nicknames he would call me, the one that would also make me feel things.

I took a breath and ignored him.

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