36- finale

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Daniela POV

It was now three months later and we were back to our regular life's.

I was currently in Puerto Rico with Benito and his family. Just like Benito said his parents were so happy about us getting back together but his mom was especially happy, she was so happy she decided to throw a party and invite everyone.

I was on the couch with Benito, gabi, Bysa and Bernie.

"I still can't believe you two are back together, ósea pensé que Daniela te iba odiar por toda la vida"

I laughed, "I remember the first time gabi and I met in person I acted like I didn't know you, Bernie y tú ni me habías hecho nada"

"Ya se! I was like what the fuck?"

"Pero todo salió bien en el final"

"y creen que van a seguir con los planes de la boda?"

I turned to look at bysael, "si en el futuro I mean we haven't really talked about it pero me encantaría casarme con Benito"

Benito turned to look at me, "a si? Te quieres casar conmigo?"


"okay ya está eso notado", "would you want me to propose again?"

"I mean si tú quieres pero a mi me gusto the first proposal"

I remember that day always.

It was beautiful.

It was on the beach and all of my family was there, there were rose petals in the shape of a heart and Benito standing in the middle of it. There was a sunset and it just made it even better.

It was perfect.

Benito POV

1 year later

Estaba un poco nervioso.

Estábamos en la playa de nuevo donde le pedí a Daniela que se casara conmigo la primera vez.

Ahora se lo voy a pedir de nuevo. Recreé todo para que estuviera todo como la primera vez. estaba incado en la arena en medio de el corazón que hize con pétalos de rosa, estaba esperando a Dani.

Finalmente apareció junto a Gabriela, ella estaba guiando a Dani porque tenía tapado los ojos.

I can't help falling in love with you- Elvis empezó a sonar.

Gabi le quitó la cosa sobre sus ojos.

Daniela se tapo la boca con sus manos y camino hacia mi.

"Benito que es todo esto?"

Le sonríe, "Daniela sabes cuanto te amo y no me puedo imaginar mi vida sin ti. Todos estos años que no estuviste conmigo, se sentía como un infierno. No me quiero imaginar un mundo sin ti, no quiero que ese mundo exista. Así que Daniela te pido de nuevo, te quieres casar conmigo?"

Se limpió las lágrimas y me sonrió, "obvio que si"

Me levante y le puse el anillo. Finalmente podemos estar juntos. Esta vez sin mentiras ni infidelidades.

hey guys! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has read this book, your support truly means a lot to me🫶🏽 I do have yet another bad bunny book lol if you guys want it! I'll leave a little sneak peak on the next page if you want to check it out. It's an enemies to lovers trope, my personal fav. Again, thank you so much💖💖💖

Ojitos Lindos | Bad BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now