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Daniela POV

I set my luggage in the corner of my room. Thankfully the show wasn't for another two days. I took a shower and now I was just sitting down watching TV. I was hungry so I ordered room service. I was just waiting for that. There was a knock on the door, I opened it.

"Oh Hola Benito"

He had a cart full of food, "vi el room service pero decidí mejor traértelo yo", "puedo pasar?"

"Si obvio"

I got out the way as he came in. He put the cart next to the bed.


"No gracias ya comi"

"Y sin mi!"

"Hey ahora tú ibas a comer sin mi"

I laughed

"Anyway que estabas haciendo"

"Nada viendo la tele"

I dug into my burger which was so good.


We were currently laying down on the bed watching the TV. That food really hit the spot.

"So Que quieres hacer el resto del día?"

"mmm planeaba estar así todo el día, you know?"

"mhm pero estás segura que no quieres hacer otra cosa?"

He turned to his side and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck making me giggle. I was slightly ticklish.

"otra cosa como que?"

He didn't reply he kept kissing my neck eventually landing on my lips. He hovered over me not breaking the kiss. His hand played with the hem of my shorts.

I broke the kiss and looked in his eyes, "please Benito, te necesito"

He didn't hesitate, he took my shirt off followed by my pants, he threw them somewhere on the floor.

He kissed me again, his fingers reaching down to my clothed vagina, his fingers moving in circular motions causing a moan to escape my mouth.

I broke the kiss, "mmm Benito por favor"

He smirked at me removing my underwear and went down on me and licked my vagina making me let out a gasp.

I don't even know what he was doing but it felt so good, he was doing everything possible to keep me moaning. Before he could continue I pulled him up and kissed him.

"Benito te quiero sentir"

"Lo que tú quieras mami"

He pulled his boxers off, his penis springing up touching his stomach.

"No tengo condón"

"Eso no importa ahorita, por favor Benito te necesito"

I was so eager to feel him again at this moment I didn't care about anything.

I felt him go inside of me, both of us letting out a moan.

"mmm Daniela"

He moved in and out of me with a quick pace. We kept at it for another 20 minutes before I felt that familiar feeling.

"Ay Benito, me voy a venir"

"Yo también mami"

He moved even faster making me let out a load moan as I came. He quickly pulled out and came on my stomach.

He fell next to me both of us breathing heavy. He leaned over and kissed me.

"No puedo creer que volvimos hacer eso"

"yo tampoco"


He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He came back with a towel and wiped my stomach. He went back into the bathroom and came back. He put his boxers on.

I felt my phone buzz I picked it up and it was Antonio again.

Antonio🫶🏼: hi baby I miss you! Text me?

Antonio🫶🏼: you're probably super busy I get it but just wanted to lyk I was thinking about you, have a great day❤️

Antonio🫶🏼: hey, call me please I miss you

Antonio🫶🏼: or don't, again

Antonio🫶🏼: Daniela I know you're super busy or whatever but sending me a message isn't that hard.

Fuck. I felt super guilty I just couldn't bring myself to call him or text him.

"Um hey Benito I think I'm going to take a shower"

"Okay I'll be here"

I grabbed my towel and a change of clothes.

I turned on the hot water and stepped in, this felt so nice. I never knew I would of done that with Benito again. I don't even know what came over me, I felt so guilty. I'm such a terrible fucking person, I'm a literal hypocrite.

I was finally done, I tuned off the shower and stepped out, I dried myself off and changed. I opened the door to the bathroom to let cool air in since it was hot. I began drying my hair with the towel.

"Dani, te está hablando"

I turned around and he was holding my ringing phone.


I grabbed it from him and stared at the contact name. I let it ring until it stopped. It rang again, I have to answer him but I just can't.


I looked up at Benito as he left back into the room. I hovered my finger over the answer button. Finally I answered him.


"Dani? It feels like I haven't heard your voice in forever"

"Yeah sorry I've been busy"

I know I sounded nervous and guilty I just hope he doesn't notice it.

"Why do you sound like that, are you okay?"

"Oh um yeah I'm fine"

"I know you said you've been busy but I have a feeling you're lying to me", "and honestly I just feel like this long distance thing isn't working like at all"

"I don't know what to say"

"you're with him aren't you Daniela?

I didn't answer him. I stayed quiet

"Daniela? What the fuck. I knew it I fucking knew you would fold" , "ever since you stopped replying, I knew it"

"Antonio please im sorry i didn't mean to"

"How many times Daniela?"

"Antonio please"

"How many times Daniela!"

"Just once but I swear it was a mistake I didn't mean to"

"Wow fuck you, don't call me ever, I don't want to see you. I hope you're happy with your choice"

He hung up. Fuck I can't believe this is happening.

I went back into the room and Benito was gone.


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