Sneak Peak

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Hey guys here's a little sneak peak to my next book!

Love's POV

"I don't think that's a good idea, Love"

"Of course it's a good idea, Natalia"

I looked at my best friend of 10 years trying to convince her to go with me to this senior party, I mean what's the worst that can happen anyway?

she furrowed her dark brown eyebrows at me, "oh come on don't look at me like that. You were the one that said you wanted to do more before senior year ends"

she gave me one last look before sighing, "what time's the party?"

I smiled at her, "see I knew you would want to go", "it starts at eight"

"Shit I don't know if Benito's going to let me go"

I rolled my eyes at the mention of him. Benito and I never got along. He always thought that I was a bad influence for Natalia. I mean all of the "bad" things Natalia has done was because she wanted to not because I forced her.

Since her parents were back in Puerto Rico right now for work, that meant Benito was in charge of looking after her which also meant she had to ask him permission if she wanted to something, which I think is totally stupid considering they're both literally the same age, 18.

"Do not even mention him right now"

I looked at my Apple Watch and realized it was nearly six, if we wanted to make it on time for the party then I should probably head home now.

"Oh come on I don't even get why you guys have this stupid beef", "please just try and get along"

"I don't know I'll think about it"

Of course I would not think about it.

"Hey you think you can give me a ride home?"

"Of course come on"

I grabbed my black jansport backpack and waited for Natalia as she put her shoes on.

As we were headed out the door, he walked in. We made brief eye contact before I rolled my eyes looking away.

"Oh great I was having such an amazing day and then I just had to see you", "Natalia my mom told you not to bring home pests"

"Pests? Excuse me but-

Before I could even finish my sentence I'm being dragged out of the household.

for as long as I live I will always hate Benito Martinez.

Benito POV

I don't get why my sister has to be friends with that stupid girl.

I get it, they've known each other since they were eight and as much as I've warned Natalia about her, she just doesn't listen.

I hate Love Colón and that's just how it's always going to be.

here's the sneak peak guys! This book is going to be so exciting for me to write omg! anyways it'll be out soon and thank you guys again💖💗

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