17- te ves hermosa

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I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was barely 7:00, the show didn't start until 9:00 but I figured I would take a shower now.

I got up from the bed and grabbed my suitcase putting it on the bed catching the attention of Benito.

"Are you going to shower?"

"Yes, it's been a long day"

He nodded as he continued looking at me, I ignored it and started going through my clothes. I decided to wear a green dress.

I closed my suitcase and set it back over by the couch and took my clothes with me into the bathroom.

I locked the door and started undressing myself. I turned on the water, I was about to get in when there was a knock on the door.

"What do you want Benito"

I knew it was him because who else could it be after all.

"Dani pol favor, I need to pee like really bad, let me in please"

"Can't you go to bysaels room or something"

"No I'm not going to make it, please"

I rolled my eyes and decided to just let him in. I unlocked the door and before I could get into the shower he opened the door and ran to the toilet.

I ran inside the shower hoping he didn't see me naked.

"Couldn't you have waited until I got in"

"I told you I couldn't hold it in anymore", "if it makes you feel better, i didn't see anything"

I sighed and continued to shower, soon enough I heard the toilet flush.

"Gracias Dani"

"Si Aja"

I brushed him off and gave him the shortest response. I wanted him to leave already.

I was finally done taking my shower. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I used a spare towel that was offered by the hotel and wrapped it around my hair.

I dried myself off and started to get dressed. Once I was done I got out and put my dirty clothes back into my suitcase but in a separate spot so I wouldn't mix them up.

I sat down on the bed next to Benito who was texting away. I took the towel out my hair and started drying it. While I was doing so I couldn't help but to see who he was texting. It was someone named Vanessa. I rolled my eyes and focused on hair.

I couldn't help but to feel some type of way about it, I don't know why I felt this way when I really shouldn't. Know that I think of it, I've heard the name Vanessa before but where? I brushed it off for now and I got up and blow dried the rest of my hair. Once it was completely dried I left my hair down and
I straightened it

"Te ves muy hermosa mami"

I saw Benito wasn't on his phone anymore and his focus was on me now. I walked to the bed and I saw his eyes tracing my body.


I grabbed my makeup bag and set it on the table that was next to the bed. I grabbed my phone and played music. Mia by Benito came on, I liked the song so I didn't change it.

"So you have me in your playlist"

I looked at him through the mirror while applying concealer, "yeah your music is okay I suppose" I smirked at him

"Aja you know you love it"

I finished blending everything in and I moved onto eyebrows, " meh I like it at most"

I chuckled a little

"Sabes, Mia la hice pa ti"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pair of eyelashes, "okay, how many girls have you told that to"

"Just you"

I didnt reply I just finished putting on my lashes. Una noche by rauw and Wisin started playing

"Dame direcciones, pa pegarme a ti me sobran razones, ya no hay tiempo no me quedan opciones, tengo que perrearte en varias canciones"

I sang and danced around in my chair while putting on bronzer

"Jajaja te gusta esta canción mucho verdad"

"Si jaja, te confieso que Raúl es mi crush"

I looked at him through the mirror and he rolled his eyes when I told him that causing me to laugh

"Que no tienes novio"

"Y eso que, doesn't mean I can't have a celebrity crush", "Oye que no lo conoces"

"Conozco? no, pero si lo e visto por allí un par de veces", "porque"

"hmm so you can introduce me to him" I laughed

"eso si que no"

I turned around and pouted at him, "porque no"

"You seem his type asi Que no"

"Ay por favor, yo tengo novio y además i would never date another singer"

"Ah y porque no" he raised his eyebrows at me

"Todos son unos infieles and i can't handle that type of stress anymore"

He stayed quiet and looked away, I turned back around facing the mirror and finished my makeup look by adding some lipstick.

"All done"

I admired myself in the mirror. I decided I wanted to post a picture so I asked Benito to take one of me.

"Oye me tomas una foto?"

"Si haber tu celular"

I handed him my phone and posed as he took a couple pictures. " okay I think that's good, thanks Benito"

He nodded as he handed me my phone. I went through the pictures and picked out the one I liked best and posted it.

"How does my makeup look?"

I thought it looked good I just wanted a second opinion.

"Tú estás hermosa. tú sabes que no necesitas ponerte esas cosas Dani"

"Eso lo se pero a mi me gusta hacer mi makeup"

"Hey Que hora es"

I checked my phone, "las 8:30"

"Puñeta me va matar Noah, ya ni tengo tiempo pa bañarme pero whatever"

He got up and grabbed some clothes that were on a rack already picked out for him by a stylist and started changing. There was a knock on the door, I looked at Benito who was finished changing. I went to answer the door and it was Noah.

"Ya están ready ? Todos están esperando"

"Yeah we're done"

I grabbed my notebook and my purse.

At venue

We had finally arrived. There was a lot of people there. I've never seen so many people at once and just for one person.

"Okay so bysa, gabi, and Bernie, you guys stay in this area while jomar and dani can go over here where it's a little closer to the stage area so jomar can get good pictures and dani can observe him for the article"

I nodded and Noah guided jomar and I to the spot closer to the stage.

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