31- decisión

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Daniela POV

A few days later

Benito and I have only had professional conversations and that's it. I feel like I really messed everything up. Bad.

We were currently on the tour bus on the way to the last stop of the tour. We were about an hour away from the hotel. I want to fix things with Benito before we go back to our "normal" lives.

I didn't want anyone to hear our conversation and jomar and Bernie were in the bunk beds so that wasn't an option either. I have to text him.

Me: Benito necesito hablar contigo.

Benito🙂: si esta bien, es por el ultimo interview? Lo podemos hacer en el hotel. Noah me dijo que vamos a compartir un cuarto otra vez.

Me: no Benito, no es por el interview. Es por lo de nosotros.

I looked up at him. He read the message. He put his phone in his pocket and went into the bathroom.

Benito🙂: Daniela lo podemos hacer en el hotel porfa?

Me: no. Lo quiero hacer ahorita. Please

Benito🙂:esta bien como tú quieras.

Me: Benito no me has dicho nada de que si quieres algo conmigo. Dime por favor y si no está bien. Después de esto no te vuelvo a molestar.

Benito🙂: Dani si ha hecho una decisión.

Me: y? Cuál es?

Benito🙂: prefiero decirte en el hotel.

I sighed in frustration. I put my phone in my pocket. I hated when he did shit like this. It was so frustrating but I guess I'll just have to wait. I've waited a week what's a couple more minutes anyway.

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