20- solo amigos

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Daniela POV

"So pa donde vamos"

I turned to look at Benito who was on his phone again. 

He looked up at me, "to a park Que encontré Quando veníamos pa ca"

I nodded my head and looked out the window, I assumed we were already here because there were a lot of trees and benches, there was also a small lake there.

"Ay que bonito!" I was so excited to get out already

Finally Noah parked the car and I quickly opened the door and got out.

"Beno come"

I excitedly grabbed his hand and led him to a small coffee stand.

"It's so cold I'm buying one" I laughed, "quieres uno?"

"No estoy bien" he smiled

I let go of his hand and reached into my purse to get out my wallet.

"Hi can I get a small hot chocolate please"

"Of course, that'll be three dollars"

I handed the lady a twenty

"It's okay you can keep the change"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course it's okay"

"Okay thank you ma'am"

I smiled at her as she poured my hot chocolate and handed it to me.

"Thank you"

"Come on Benito"

I walked to where everyone was and turned to look at Benito.

"Estoy tan feliz con mi hot chocolate" I laughed

Benito POV

Le sonrie. Era tan cute, Daniela me encantaba. Agarre me celular y le tome una foto mientras sonría con su hot chocolate.


Se rio, "okay tómame otra"

Puso su hot chocolate a su boca y le tomé una foto.

"Let me see"

Se acercó a mi y miró mi celular, " me las mandas?" Me miró

"Si pero me tienes bloqueado"

"Oops sorry" se rio, "te desbloqueo"

Saco su celular, "ya all done" me enseñó y si ya no estaba bloqueado

"Bueno", "es el mismo número?"

"Mhm, mándamelas please"

Le mande las fotos, "ya"

"gracias beno" me sonrió

La miré y ella también me miró a los ojos.

"Miren vamos hacia la agua"

Grito bysael asustándonos.

"Okay we should go"

"Si come on"

Camine con ellos hacia la agua. Decidí subir la foto de Daniela a mi insta. Esto es algo que nunca ago, así que la gente va hablar.

@badbunnypr: la Dani está muy feliz con su hot chocolate jajaja

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@badbunnypr: la Dani está muy feliz con su hot chocolate jajaja

Liked by: bysael_, mcbernie_, gdbe_ and 3,000,000 others

@gdbe_: jajaja Que cute es ella

@badbunnypr: gente, somos amigos.

@user1: oye quien es esta?

@user2: es tú novia?

@user3: todos saben que es la Daniela, la inspiración de muchas canciones, gracias reina
@user4: pero están juntos otra vez?
@user5: hmm creo que si, el dice que no pero tantos años juntos? no creo que sean amigos sola mente.

Daniela POV

I looked at my phone and saw a lot of new people following me, I was super confused until I saw Benito posted me on his insta. But why?

I was overwhelmed by all the new follows and likes on my photos so I decided to go private.

"Benito why the fuck would you post me"

"Because I liked that photo"

"Benito are you doing this so people think we're back together? Cause that's what it looks like on the outside, I have a boyfriend he's going to think I'm cheating on him."

"Look it's a friend post, I made it clear in the comments"

"People are still going to assume even if you say we're just friends"

"So? Let them assume. We know we're just friends and you can just talk to your little boyfriend"

"Yeah whatever"

You know what he's right. Let people assume. Antonio is the only one I'm worried about. I'm going to call him later and clear everything up. In the meanwhile I'm going to post the other photo Benito took of me cause I look cute.

@daisydanielaxo: holiii, como dijo el conejo, estoy very happy con mi hot chocolate jiji😎

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@daisydanielaxo: holiii, como dijo el conejo, estoy very happy con mi hot chocolate jiji😎

Liked by: badbunnypr, gdbe_, bysael_ and 20,000 others

@gdbe: haha stop you're too cute🫶🏼
@daisydanielaxo: te amo amiga😘

@Antoniopr: I miss you gorgeous
@daisydanielaxo: i miss you more🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

@bysael_: hola me llamo bysael y pienso que eres muy bella
@daisydanielaxo: jajaja bysa gracias 🤭
@badbunnypr: cabron que te dije.
@user1: estas celoso? 😂

@mcbernie_: oye dale un chance a mi hermano porfa (es muy desperate)
@daisydanielaxo: jaja ya se, pero cual de los dos?
@mcbernie_: pues a los dos!
@daisydanielaxo: hmm no se déjame pensarlo
@mcbernie_: bueno pero no te tardes jajaja

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