10- muchos años sin vernos

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"Daniela ! no puede ser" Benitos mom came towards me bringing me into a hug

"Ya se verdad pasaron muchos años sin vernos"

"Hola Dani que bueno verte por aqui otra vez"

"Hola señor mucho gusto verlo otra vez"

"Y ustedes están juntos otra vez"

His mom Is literally the cutest ever. I never told her the reason why we broke up cause it'll break her heart.

"Oh no" I laughed

"Mami por favor, tal vez en el futuro pero ahorita no estamos juntos"

I could tell he wanted me back but he knew I had a boyfriend and I don't plan on leaving him anytime soon

"Tienes hambre" Benitos dad asked

"No, gracias estoy bien por ahorita"

"Bueno pero si mas adelante tienes hambre, ahi ay comida"

"Que bueno poderte ver otra vez ahora vamos ir a fuera, se vienen ahorita, okay"

"Si ahorita vamos"

"Bueno los esperamos"

"Daniela I'm glad you're finally here" I saw Gabi

"I know I was almost not going to come because of how nervous I was"

"Well I'm glad you decided to come after all"

"Does your mom still live here, you should invite her" Bernie said

"No my mom went back to Florida a long time ago to live with her boyfriend, it's just me"

It did make me sad how she just left me but she made her choice and I couldn't change that

"Oh I'm sorry" Bernie put his hand on my shoulder

"It's totally fine"

"Wait so you were just by yourself all this time" Benito asked

"Not exactly, after we had broken up, I did stay with my mom again for a couple months then she left so I had to find a job and I rented a small apartment. Then I went back to school and I met a really nice girl there and we both rented out an apartment together and stayed with her"

Benito POV

Me hizo triste sabiendo que tuvo que ir por todo eso sola. Me sentía tan culpable porque ella siempre me lo decía que si no cambiaba me iba a dejar y nunca la quise escuchar. El día que ella su fue, caí en una depresión y empecé hacer cosas estupidas como acostarme con muchas mujeres, tomar en exceso, fumé y no importaba lo que hacía no importa con cuántas mujeres me acostaba, ninguna compara con Daniela. Nunca la pude sacar de mis pensamientos no importa cuanto trate.

"Is Bysa here, I haven't seen him in the longest"

"Yea he should be here, want to go upstairs with me to check"

Me miró con la misma expresión que en el café, y la entiendo pero yo no le voy hacer nada al menos que ella quiera.

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything"

"Fine I guess I'll go"

Daniela POV

as I walked down the halls of his house, it felt strange being next to him again. I have to admit that I did miss him. If I would have reunited with him a couple years ago, without a doubt I would have gotten back with him but now I'm in a new relationship and I'm not so sure if I would get back with him.

"He's usually in my room playing with the PlayStation we can check there"

He opened the door and it revealed a really big and surprisingly clean room.

"Wow your room is really nice and clean too" I laughed remembering he would always throw his clothes on the floor after work just to record a new song

"I know I remember how much you hated that I would leave my stuff on the floor"

"Yea it was annoying, I cleaned and it was useless since you would just leave your clothes on the ground again"

"I remember that, one time you threw one of my boxers in my face" he laughed

"Well what did you expect" I laughed along

"Those were some good times"

"Yea" I looked away

As much as I hate to admit it, I missed him. We have some really good memories together and I miss spending time with him.

"I know you miss that as much as I do" he said coming closer to me making me back up a little

"It doesn't matter because things between us won't change"

"But things can change, I've changed I'm not that dumb person that did all those stupid things anymore" he said now standing in front of me, our faces so close that we can kiss

"Benito you have to understand that I'm in a relationship now"

"So what forget about him and let me be with you"

"No I can't"

"Yes you can"

"Daniela, Benito?"

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