14- the journalist

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I walked over to the tour bus where there was some security guards


I showed them my pass and they let me in

I walked in and I saw Gabriela, Bernie, and bysael sitting on the couch, all on their phones.

I sighed in relief, atleast they're coming along.

"Hey Gabi"

"Dani! what are you doing here"

She got up and gave me a hug

"Oh im the journalist, I'll be interviewing Benito"

"Oh that's great"

She had a smile on her face but I really wasn't smiling at all

"Dani you can sit here"

Bysa tapped the spot next to him and smiled big at me, I laughed at went to sit next to him.

"Si están cabrón esta foto bro"

I heard Benito come in with some guy who had a camera around his neck, they were checking out some photos on his camera.

He looked up and we made eye contact, uncomfortable I looked away

"Dani? What are you doing here"

"I'm the journalist, you know I have to interview you after every show"

"Oh wow that's amazing"

"Hola soy jomar, el fotógrafo de beno"

The guy who I know now is jomar came over and held out his hand, I took it and shook it

"Nice to meet you I'm Daniela but you can call me Dani"

He let go of my hand and nodded and went to sit down next to Bernie

"This month is going to be fun" Benito said

Ojitos Lindos | Bad BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now