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Two Years Later
(Anna's POV)

It had been two years since the whole fiasco with Michael and Diana, but Michael and I had made a lot of progress. He was gracious enough to give me the time that I needed to heal from this, as well as learning to trust him again. It had been a rocky ride, but he and I managed to power through every ounce of it along the way. He started up his new tour not too long ago and now we were on our way through Europe. I'm glad that I was able to tag along because I don't think I could've done an entire year without him. Not only this, but I was able to get back into the groove of things with my dancing. It had been far too long since I was able to choreograph and I was so grateful to start it all up again, especially with Michael by my side.

"Let's go again. James, you were hitting your mark and Celine you were doing a lot better on that spin. I just want to run it over one more time to make sure that we have it down. Michael, you just keep doing what you're doing." I nodded at Michael who gave me a wink in response. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I watched them rerun the jam routine.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Arch your back Celine. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." We continued through the routine before I sent everyone off for a ten-minute break, which meant that I had Michael alone for only five minutes. While everyone was surrounding the break area, Michael and I managed to sneak off to his dressing room, without any disturbance from anyone.

"God, I have been waiting to do this all morning." He moaned into my lips,

"Me too." I kissed him back as I entangled my fingers into his sweat drenched curls.

"Mike! We need to go over the lights to make sure that they're hitting your mark." One of the crewmen yelled outside of the dressing room, causing Michael to groan agitatedly.

"Two minutes. I think we hit a new record," Michael said sarcastically, "I'll be out in a minute." He yelled to the crewman outside of the door.

"We knew that this was going to be hard, you do have a concert tonight, baby. Just think, I'll have you all to myself tonight." I said with a wink before opening the door,

"May I ask what you have in store, Mrs. Jackson?" I tapped him on the nose before making my way to grab a water,

"Good things come to those who wait." I smiled at him before he ran out on stage. I watched as he worked with the crewmen on the lights and I couldn't help but smile at where we were now. It seemed like both of us needed this positive light in our relationship. To make tonight even more special, Michael's mother, as well as my aunt and uncle were flying out to Copenhagen to watch the show. I've been planning this for about a week since Michael hasn't seen his family, as well as my own since before the tour, had even started.

"Anna, we need to go back over the Thriller choreography. Frank feels that it needs to be redone." One of the crewmen, Alex, acknowledged me. I felt a firm hand on my shoulder before I looked down to see Frank standing behind me, reeking with the stench of a cigar.

"If anyone can do it, it's her." He smiled at me before the crewman walked off. Frank opened up the setlist to show me which songs needed to be redone, per his orders, as well as Michael's.

"Jam looks great, but I think we need to go back over Thriller again, as well as Beat It. Michael may have some suggestions but those are the only ones that I have for now." Frank commented.

"Sounds great, I'll get the dancers together and we'll go back over them. Thanks, Frank." Frank and I weren't the closest of acquaintances, seeing as I became a distraction to Michael's career during the bad tour, but I was grateful that he had warmed up to me, now that I'm being of help. I walked back towards where the dancers were hanging at. Some were working on dance steps, while others were chatting. I clapped my hands together as they all made their way towards me,

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