The "Date"

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It was nearly the time the time that Michael was supposed to be here as Aubrey finished pinning my hair in place. I played with my fingers as my patience was getting thin.

"Relax, I'm almost done." Aubrey informed as she placed the last pin. "There, you're done." I turned to look in the mirror and the image I saw was way different than I had expected myself to look.

"Oh my god, Bre! This is amazing, thank you!" I hugged her tightly as the door was knocked on.

"That must be Michael." I quickly untied my robe as I rushed for my dress that I had yet to put on.

"You get dressed and I'll get the door." I nodded my head as she shut the door and went to greet Michael. I could hear the two conversing as he entered which made me move faster.

"She should be ready momentarily Michael." Aubrey made her way in as I struggled to sip myself up.

"Here, let me help you." She zipped my dress up and buttoned the halter part of the dress as I slid my shoes on and buckled them.

"How do I look?" I asked her for her opinion.

"Amazing. You're really going to knock him off of his feet." I smiled at her compliment as she opened the door for me. Michael held a bouquet of flowers as he turned towards me with bulged eyes and a dropped jaw.

"W-wow! Anna, y-you look so beautiful!" He walked towards me and handed me the gorgeous bouquet of beautiful flowers.

"They're pretty Michael! Thank you so much!" I brought to the island and grabbed an empty vase to fill it with water to place the flowers in.

"Are you ready?" Michael nodded his head as he stuck his arm out for me to take.

"I'll be here when you get back. Mind if I sleep over?" I shook my head and gave her the okay.

"I'll have her back before curfew." He joked. Michael walked us down to the waiting SUV that took us to Manhattan.

"Where exactly are we heading Michael?" I asked.

"Like I said, it's a surprise." I looked out of the window to watch the cars and buildings pass by in a flash. Everything was silent in the car but the burning sensation of Michael's eyes over my body sent chills up and down my spine. I turned to him to look him over and may I say, I've never seen anything finer. Before we knew it, we came to a sudden halt outside of a vacant lot that belonged to a restaurant known as 'Restaurant Daniel'.

"Only the best for you tonight. Anything you want is yours." I smiled sweetly as he got out and walked around to open the door for me. He took my hand and led me inside to the empty dining area.

"I think they're closed Michael." I commented as we were the only one inside.

"I asked to have a private dinner for us. No one else except for us." This must've cost him a fortune to have all of this. It's hard to imagine it.

"Bonjour Monsieur Jackson, your table is this way." The older gentleman led the two of us to an outdoor area where many tables were. It was quite a warm night but it was comforting. The two of us sat down as the gentleman began to walk away.

"Your waiter should be here with you shortly." I heard the sound of his shoes clicking against the floor beneath us which disappeared into silence. The sound of the busy streets were echoing through the night as a swift breeze flowed through us and carried the sounds into the night.

"Do you like it?" My head rid itself of its thoughts as I focused in on Michael.


"I asked if you like it." He motioned to the restaurant as I laughed at myself in response.

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