Give Me A Break

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A week had passed since I was admitted and I felt my strength starting to come back. My bruise had not yet gone away, and my head was still really hurting but overall I felt stronger than I did. Many gracious gifts had been sent from Michael's family, and all of the people on his tour. Michael helped me pack up some of my things and my medication. Luckily the people who found me at the hotel had some of my things, so I got to change into those.

"Ready to go?" Michael asked obviously.

"We have to wait for the discharge papers from the doctor." Michael came over and sat next to me.

"You do realize that I'm not letting you go back on tour with her." He said seriously.

"Trust me, even if it were my last resort I'd still not go." Michael held my hand in his as he rubbed the ridges of my knuckles. "You can just drop me off at the airport, I'll get a flight back to New York." Michael looked at me a crazy look.

"No way, I'm taking you with me. Right now I don't feel comfortable leaving you by yourself after everything you've gone through." I rubbed my face in frustration.

"Michael it's not that big of a deal, Whitney and them probably think I'm dead by now so I doubt that they'll come looking for me." Michael shook his head in disapproval.

"No. I'm sorry Anna, but I can't let you do that." I rolled my eyes at how much he sounded like my father. "That is my final word."

"Alright Daaaaad." He chuckled at my immaturity. There was an opening of the door and in entered the doctor.

"Here are the discharge papers for you. I want you to visit a doctor in three weeks for a checkup on everything."

"Well I happen to have a doctor on my tour that can take a look at her since she is coming with me." Michael suggested.

"I would prefer if she visited a doctor that can take a full exam of her and can prescribe her with any other medication that they suggest, especially since they have more contact with pharmacies. If she happened to have another accident then your doctor would be necessary." I continued to sign the papers as I handed them back to the doctor.

"Take care Ms. Simms and remember about what I said, just take it easy for awhile." I nodded my head as he began to leave.

"Let's get out of here, what do you say?"

"I'm ready." I went to help Michael with my bags but he pulled them away for me.

"I got them, you don't need to be doing any sort of activity like that." I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't give me that look, just walk." I managed to grab my duffle bag as we made our way down the lobby. The ride down was quieter than normal, mainly because he knew I didn't want to discuss anything that was along the topic of 'I'll kill him' or 'how are you feeling?' I just want normal and happy conversations.

"Bill's over around the entrance. Here, take these by the way." Michael handed me a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses.

"Aren't these yours?" Michael shook his head before pulling out a matching pair.

"These are mine. I picked some up for you when I was in Japan." I put them on as we walked towards Bill.

"There she is! How're you feeling?" I looked over to Michael who was giving him a don't ask that question look.

"Actually I'm feeling better, still have a lot of aches and pains but overall I'm better. At least it's coming from you and not Michael." I glanced over at him as he gave me a look.

"Well at least I care about you and want to make sure that you're alright." I punched his arm as we made our way out to the car. The whole place was a zoo, paparazzi filled the waiting room and outside as Michael and I exited. Bill backed everyone up as he helped us in, careful to not hurt me.

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