Making It Work

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A/N: Here's an extra long chapter for you guys. Enjoy!!

(Two months later)

Glasgow, Scotland

The tour was flying by and I felt as if my head was spinning. Michael's birthday was coming up and I felt as if I was running out of time on what to do. With the constant concerts, rehearsals, interviews, and visits to hospitals, it felt as if we never had time. On top of that, Michael and I have decided to try to have a baby. For the past month or so, he was very adamant about me taking tests to make sure, but each time we were completely discouraged. Eventually, I just gave up on testing for something that was probably never going to happen. Maybe this was a sign that I was never meant to be a mother and it brought me down each and every time that I saw the negative sign come up. I knew Michael was saddened also, but he was always the one to remind me that we still had plenty of time. I still wondered how long it would be until he officially decided to call it quits on trying. To make him feel better, I promised that I would test again,

"What does it say?" Michael asked from beside me as I held the pregnancy test in my hands,

"Negative, just like all of the others." I said as I threw the stick in the trash and trudged back into the bedroom,

"Baby, don't get so down. They say that it takes a lot of people several months, maybe even a few years to conceive." A small smile crept on my face as he took a seat next to me, bringing me into his lap.

"Looks like someone has been doing some reading." I commented as I brushed a stray curl away from his face before I let my fingers run through them,

"I want to know everything, so when it comes time for us to have our little one, we won't have to ask questions or worry about anything." I admired his serious devotion to this and it made my heart grow. I pecked him on the lips before removing myself from his arms.

"What was that for?" He asked before pulling me back into his embrace,

"Because I love you and your admiration of all of this. I just don't want you to get your hopes up, though." He narrowed his eyes at me before covering my mouth with his hand.

"What did I say about thinking negatively? We will be parents, one way or another." I nodded my head before I pushed his hands away and laid back on the bed with Michael following behind me.

"Do we have to go in today?" I whined before Michael smirked evilly at me, "What?"

"No we aren't going in today. I gave everyone the day off. I feel bad for not having the opportunity to show you around the world with our schedules, so I took today off to take you around Glasgow. I know it isn't much, but I wanted to be able to spend the day with my wife, not my choreographer."

"Michael, you can't do that. We have so much to work on and-" I was immediately cut off by his lips crashing into mine,

"Stop, baby. Don't worry about work, just get your beautiful self changed because I have a whole day planned for us." He planted another kiss on my lips before guiding me into the bathroom so I could get ready.


Hours had passed by and Michael and I were on the streets of Glasgow. Michael concealed in mustache and an oversized coat was enough to make me laugh for the rest of the day, but I couldn't say anything because I had on a rather odd disguise myself, consisting of a wig with extra curly locks and a trench coat. Michael had taken me to the historic cathedral and we were now on the way to the St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art. The way my eyes widened at the beautiful sight in front of me, was enough to make Michael rather eager to get inside. We toured the different exhibits, stopping immediately at the foundation exhibit. I was completely enthralled with the history of the museum and the artifacts that came with stories. I wanted so badly to touch everything, but I knew it was forbidden.

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