Back to Reality

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Okay so I've been a little stuck with writers block and I'm cringing at my sloppy writing in this. Hopefully you all enjoy this!

(Kansas City, MO)

After the New Years fiasco, Michael and I laid pretty low for the next month. We barely went out of the property, considering the unexpected visit from Whitney. For all we know she could be planning something that could cause even more danger and we weren't gonna take any chances. Before leaving Hayvenhurst, we warned Michael's family about Whitney and what to do if she were to come around. I highly doubt that she would com back to this place any time soon, considering that she is still on tour and wouldn't dare hurt Michael's family. Just the thought of any of that happening sent shivers down my spine, it was everyone's fate on the line at this point. Today was filled with consistent rehearsals to wake everyone up from the long break. Michael and I have been at the arena since six this morning, just talking by ourselves for once. Recently we haven't been able to hang out alone since Frank is always in our room talking to Michael about the concerts, and Michael is always out talking to the band or disappearing into Franks room. I've really been confused about Michael's mysterious behavior, he is always vanishing usually for an hour or so and still doesn't tell me why. I wanted so badly to ask him but I was afraid to invade his privacy, if he had his reasons then I wasn't going to budge. As I watched Michael practice performing on stage, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes which scared me tremendously.

"Guess who?" I heard a recognizable feminine voice greet me.

"Tatiana?" She removed her hands and rushed around to me.

"Hey, it's so great to see you! You look great!" I thanked her for the compliment and returned the favor.

"So what have you been up to?" She questioned me with joy.

"Well I had a job on tour with Whitney, but I turned it down and Michael had invited me on tour with him." Lies. If it's one thing that I had always hated was lying. This isn't what I was brought into this Earth for. "How about yourself?"

"Not much really, after shooting the video with Michael I did some more modeling gigs, mainly around Los Angeles." I envied her, one thing I've always wished to be was a model but I never have met the requirements.

"So what are you doing here?" I glanced at the stage to see Michael looking at Tatiana and I while yelling at Frank. I'm assuming he didn't want her here.

"Well Frank had called me and said that Michael's record company suggested that he needed a girl to play my part when Michael sings The Way You Make Me Feel on stage, they suggested to Frank that I come on tour to help, so here I am!" In all honesty I didn't think it was a bad idea, Tatiana doesn't seem like the kind who would hurt anyone plus it will give me someone to hang out with while I watch Michael perform.

"Hey Anna can I talk to you backstage?" I told Tatiana that I'd be right back as Michael grabbed my hand.

"See you in a bit Anna! Hi Michael." I watched as Michael nodded his head at her before pulling me into him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that she was coming. Frank never told me any of this which really makes me upset about this whole situation. She's the last person that I want on this tour." Michael shook his head in frustration.

"Tatiana is actually keeping me company while watching you. She isn't a threat to me and doesn't give off anything that makes her suspicious, I don't see why you're so upset with her?" Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"I just don't want her to make things complicated between us, because when we were dating all she had wanted from me was attention and I just want to be focused on you, just you." I smiled at him.

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