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After the visit from Katherine, as well as my aunt and uncle, Michael and I were back on the road again. For the next year or so it was going to be nonstop traveling and working for the both of us. The more we traveled though, the more difficult it was for Michael and I to spend alone time together. I didn't regret what I was doing because it was something that I was so passionate about, but compared to the last tour, it's far different.

"Anna? Baby, we got to get up." Michael cooed from beside me, I opened one eyelid to see that it was almost 5:00 am.

"Michael Jackson, are you telling me that I need to be up at 5:00?" I groaned before pulling the covers over my face, earning a chuckle from Michael.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you and show you my love and appreciation, we both need to be at the arena by 6:30." That still didn't motivate me, but the feeling of Michael poking me in the side sure did.

"Of all things to get me out of bed, must you do that?" Michael chuckled to himself before meeting me on the opposite side.

"Any other option would keep you in bed." He said with a wink. I yawned heavily before making my way over to the curtains to get a look at Dublin. The night sky was still hovering over the city, making it seem so dead and mysterious. Minus a few traveling vehicles on the road. I heard the sound of the shower turning on as I turned back around to search for Michael. He came out of the bathroom with just his pajama pants on and a charming grin plastered on his face,

"Care to wake up with me?" I rolled my eyes at his cheesy pickup line before making my way towards him.


Michael and I arrived at the arena as everyone else was still beginning to arrive. Luckily, Bill made a quick stop for coffee before arriving at our destination. Without that, I doubt that I could've made it through the day. Frank was already booming in both Michael and I's ears about todays agenda, letting us both know that we were going to be here for a long while. Some of the dancers had arrived, but the rest were off to a sleepy start. Who could blame them? I set my belongings in Michael's dressing room before I ran into Karen. I felt as if I hadn't talked to her in a long while, but seeing as I'm working with Michael now, breaks were not a part of my life.

"Sleepy start for the both of y'all this morning?" She asked as she took notice of my immediate need for more caffeine,

"One could say that." I chuckled before chugging the last bit of my coffee, only to fill it back up.

"Welcome to working with Michael."

"I heard that." We both turned to see Michael a few feet behind us, discussing some details with the crewmen. Karen and I both threw our heads back in laughter.

"Have you and Michael thought about expanding any time soon?" I knew what she was hinting at but I didn't have the energy, nor the heart to divulge into it.

"With our crazy schedules right now, we haven't even really talked about it." It wasn't a lie, but I couldn't just blatantly state the fact that my body wouldn't be able to handle that much stress and I'd potentially be looking at another miscarriage or killing myself in the process.

"That's understandable. It's hard to start a family when you both are working nonstop." Words were not something that I could form, so nodding my head was all that I seemed to be able to do.

As if fate was on my side, the last few dancers entered through the doors. I finished tying my shoes before bidding Karen goodbye. I gathered the dancers together before going over our agenda for the day. Frank had mentioned that Michael wanted to go over the choreography for Dangerous at some point so I felt as if that was our first priority on the list. I began by leading the dancers in stretches before beginning our routine. Luckily, Michael joined in with us so we could go over the details he was looking for. I admired the fact that he was so passionate about giving the people a show to remember. I guess that's why I took this job, not just because of a better and more safe opportunity, or the fact that he's my husband, but primarily because I knew what I would be dealing with and how exciting it would feel to be a part of something spectacular.

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