Seduction at its Lowest

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A few days later

After the wedding, Michael and I managed to plan a romantic escape to the Jamaican islands for a couple of weeks. For once, it felt so surreal to know that we were away, together, and alone. Since we got here, I haven't noticed Michael scratching his head as he stared down into a notebook filled with song lyrics. In fact, I have barely seen him do anything at all. I was very concerned. Normally, he is always in a jumpy and excited mood, but recently, I have noticed that he's been rather quiet and isolated. We were to go to dinner that evening, but I wasn't sure if I should plan to ask him now or then. I had just stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my dampened body before walking out of the steamy room. I looked around the bedroom and it looked just as it had before I entered the bathroom. I peeked my head out of the door and scanned the living room, still, no sign of Michael. Quickly, I wrapped myself in one of the robes that the hotel so kindly provided us, before walking into the living room. Suddenly, I caught the sight of the partially open door that lead out to the balcony of our room. I breathed a sigh of relief before walking out into the fresh, warm air. There, Michael sat with his feet propped up on the railing while his hat was lowered over his eyes. Swiftly, I took a seat next to him, immediately grabbing his attention,

"Hey baby," He said softly.

"Is everything okay?" I blurted out almost immediately, worried that my question would offend him.

"Yes, of course. Why would you think that I'm not?" His pitch sounded off, but his look of confusion and worry somewhat calmed my feelings.

"You've just Since we got here, you haven't really said much to me and you haven't seemed eager to really do anything. I'm only asking because I'm worried about you. Normally, you're always up to doing something new." He immediately dropped his feet from the railing before removing his hat. Before I could manage to process what was happening, he took a deep sigh,

"Anna, I'm fine. I assure you that everything is okay." He seemed overly worried for some reason and that made me even more skeptical.

"Are you sure? You just sound really worried, almost like there's something going on." He gazed off into the distance before looking at me with those soft doe eyes,

"'re not wrong." I motioned for him to go on, but on the inside I was regretting my decision to let him,

"Michael, whatever it is, I am here. What's going on?"

"Remember at the reception when I was talking to Diana?" I cocked an eyebrow, curious as to what he was talking about,

"I don't recall you two speaking at the party, in fact, I didn't see her at all after the ceremony." He scratched the back of his neck worriedly as he shifted in his seat,

"Well right after the ceremony ended, I pulled her aside because she didn't seem like her normal self," I suddenly remembered her odd demeanor when she came to see me before the ceremony, but I never thought much of it.

"Anyway, I pulled her aside and she had told me that she and Charles were having trouble in their marriage. She didn't really go too deep into the problems, but she mentioned something about her feelings" My heart fell to the pits of my stomach, but again, I didn't want to assume the worst before knowing the facts.

"What did you say?" I asked with caution,

"Nothing, really. I was sort of shocked, but she knew that I was with you and felt that I should at least know so she could get it off of her chest." I sighed deeply, feeling somewhat relieved that nothing else happened, but I still felt unsure about the entirety of the situation,

"Well, it's kind of odd how she waited until our wedding to tell us, but I'm glad that nothing happened."

"Anna, you know that I would never do anything to hurt you, especially cheat on you. I know you were probably thinking that I did something behind your back, but I would never. We vowed to love each other unconditionally until death and I meant every single word." I nodded my head at his words, eager to just move on from this conversation,

"I know, I guess it's just how I am. I don't really trust anyone, but I do know that you would never do anything to hurt me in any way." I felt my heart clench up because not only did he not lie to me, but I too haven't been completely honest.

"I know that I've hurt you before but I promise to never do it again, I swear." He placed his hand over mine, stroking it gently.

"I love you." I said as I gazed into his eyes,

"I love you." He replied,

"I'm going to finish getting ready, if you need to take a shower, the bathroom is yours." I said as I straightened out my robe,

"Thank you, sweetheart. I'll be in there in a few minutes," I leaned down to kiss him gently on the nose before walking back inside the hotel room.


(Michael's POV)

I watched as Anna made her way inside before I let out a huge sigh of relief, but more so regret than anything else. I did not want to lie to her, but now wasn't the right time to even tell her. I knew that I needed to tell her before Diana did, but the question is, how? She has obviously been hurt by me before and has lost trust in me and the last thing she needs is to lose trust in me again, just the thought of it all kills me.

"Why couldn't I have just been honest with her in the beginning?" I said as I buried my face in my hands. I loved this girl too much to lose her now,

"Hey baby? Could you help me in here?" I heard her soft, innocent voice call out to me. Without hesitation, I followed the sound of her voice into our bedroom.

"What do you need help wi-" Before I managed to finish my sentence, my eyes fell upon the most angelic thing I have ever seen,

"You can close your jaw now Michael, I just need help getting buttoned up." My eyes traced over her body in the skin tight black dress, the only thing that was visible to my eyes were her beautiful legs, her open back, and the skin that was lightly covered by the lace on her arms,

"Is everything okay back there?" She said with a tone of seduction to her voice. I could sense her biting her lip softly through the tension in her body. I ran my fingers down her arms and traced her body with such delicacy, almost as if she were a porcelain doll.

"Everything is just...perfect." My voice came out slightly deeper than what I had planned, but at this point, it was very hard to contain myself. She turned her body around and was facing me with her piercing blue eyes,

"You might want to hurry up and get dressed before we miss our reservations." Anna said as she looked me up and down. My face flushed bright red as she began to stare me down,

"O-Okay." She placed a kiss upon my own before pushing me away slightly. Good thing I was in need of a cold shower anyway.

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