Forever Pt. 3

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Michael's POV

"Did you send her an invitation?" Bill asked out of curiosity.

"We did but she declined, she said that she had to fly out to Africa with Charles." I scratched the back of my head as I pondered my thoughts.

"That's odd, Mike," Randy said from behind me. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but Randy was right, it was rather odd.

"Boys, we best get going or you won't make your wedding on time." Joseph pointed his finger at me before we all filed out of the front door. I decided to put Diana aside, for my mind was too far set on seeing Anna walking down the aisle. My brothers began to pile into the SUV's like wild animals, but luckily we were able to fit most of them in one SUV, leaving Joseph and me to ride alone behind them. Riding in the car with him made me feel less timid, compared to how I used to feel as a small child. Joseph began to make small talk with me, though I didn't have much to say back, I felt that he and I were making bigger strides to strengthening our relationship.

"I hope you consider forgiving me, Michael." I glanced over at Joseph through my sunglasses, something about his look was off, was it guilt? Sadness? I wasn't sure, but it was not like Joseph.

"Joseph, I forgave you a long time ago." I watched as he shook his head at my comment.

"I know that Michael, what I mean is I hope that you can forgive me for everything that I have done, not just to you, but to your mother, your brothers, everything I have ever done. I wanted my family to succeed and not have to live in poverty. I wanted nothing but the best for you boys, especially you. Michael, you were and still are the most talented son and I know I pushed you, harder than I probably should have, but I wanted you to live a life where you could do exactly what you were gifted with and enjoy every moment of it." I couldn't bare to let him continue rambling on about how he failed as a father, so instead, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.

"Joseph, you don't understand. I would not be who I am today if it weren't for you. To this day, I thank you for pushing me and I continue to do so because not only have you been the best teacher and provider, you have been the greatest father I have been gifted with. I know you were trying to look out for me and my well being, as well as everyone else in the family as well. Because of you and mother, you guys have created such a loving family that has had the honorary gift of providing you with grandchildren, if it weren't for you, none of us would be here. We all love you, regardless of our past, we do love you deeply. I forgave you for everything a long time ago, but I think you also need to forgive yourself and relieve yourself from this guilt and regret you have been holding onto for so long." I pulled away from him to find tears forming within his eyes. I knew that Joseph had not forgiven himself for hurting his family, and I believe that is what is causing all of this guilt he feels every time he looks at his family.

"I believe I need to do that as well, son. It's going to take time, but for you, I will try my best to learn self-forgiveness." I nodded my head at him and began to lean back in my seat. Joseph stayed quiet as we continued our drive back to the ranch.


Anna's POV

I was standing in Michael and I's bedroom when I heard the sound of the front door opening. I poked my head out of the door to get a glimpse of who had come in, but it did not take long for me to figure out who it was. My heart began to pick up speed when I heard the sound of Michael's voice echoing through the busy household. I quickly shut the door and took a seat on the bed before the bedroom door creaked open and Aubrey entered through.

"You okay?" She asked as she walked into the room, kicking off her heels for the time being.

"A little nervous, but I'm fine." She placed her hand over mine and gently rubbed my knuckles with her thumb.

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