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It's been a few weeks since our little...accident. Nothing has really changed nor have I felt any different than before, but I was still worried. After the concerts in Dallas, Michael and I decided to fly out to California to take a look at the estate and get everything signed and settled, maybe visit his family. We only had about a week so we didn't have much time to do a lot. Our first stop was to go to the realtors office and get the papers signed since Michael has already seen the estate and everything that it has to offer. When we arrived at the realtors office, paparazzi swarmed our car as we parked outside of the entrance. 'These damn people just don't know when to leave him alone do they?' I kept my head down, avoiding as many of them as possible. Michael kept a firm grasp on my hand, leading me through the sea of blinding flashes up to the main lobby of the office. A receptionist greeted us warmly, not even minding the fact that Michael Jackson was standing right before her very own eyes.

"How may I help you two today?" She asked us, I caught a glimpse at her name tag on her blouse, Judy Hancock.

"Hi, we're here to meet with Alfred Spence about an estate I'm looking at." She flipped through an appointment book before returning back to us with a smile.

"Ah yes, Mr. Jackson. Mr. Spence should be expecting you, his office is through that door and is the second room on the left." He thanked her as we followed her directions towards his office. Though he was expecting us, we knocked to make sure that he wasn't busy at the moment. We soon heard a faint 'come in' which granted us permission to enter the nicely decorated room.

"Mr. Jackson! Such a pleasure to see you again." The two shook hands before Mr. Spence made his way over to me.

"This is my girlfriend Anna Simms." I shook hands with him, taking a seat next to Michael while Mr. Spence went to his filing cabinet and grabbed a stack of papers.

"So here is your legal document, stating that you have full ownership for the estate and that you will provide the resources for it as well." Michael read through the fine print, making sure that this is what he wanted. He signed in all of the necessary places before returning the document to the realtor.

"Here are the keys to the house, gates, and other areas on the estate. I've took the responsibility of labeling each one of them so it will be easier for you to remember. It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Jackson and I hope you love your new home." We both shook hands with him before leaving the office, heading towards Michael's parents' house.

"So when do I get to see your new house?" Michael smiled at the mention of his new ownership.

"You mean our house? And actually, I planned on going to check it out tonight, maybe start moving in some things." Michael tapped his chin in thought. I stared out the window to see all of the magnificent homes passing by us.

"How are you feeling?" I raised my eyebrows at him, but realized what he was meaning.

"I feel normal, there hasn't been any new changes to me. I just don't think that I'm pregnant considering that many women experience changes about this time after having unprotected sex." I said with my voice in a low whisper. Michael's face fell in sadness, I knew how much he wanted kids and so do I but where we are now in our relationship doesn't seem to be the best time.

"You will have your own children Michael, I promise, even is we have to adopt you will still have your chance at being a father." I leaned toward him and pecked his cheek.

"I know, but you could be having delays in symptoms you know." I giggled lightheartedly as we pulled into the driveway of Hayvenhurst.

"You didn't tell your mother about it right?" Michael shook his head before whispering in my ear,

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