Who Are You?

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A/N: *Warning: mentions of suicide are established in this chapter. If you're not comfortable, you may skip over the part. I will mark where to skip so that way you know where. Thank you!*

I could physically not breathe. The one person who I've not seen or heard from in eleven years, stood right in front of me like he never knew me. I knew I wasn't ready for this, but I couldn't cower away.

"Your friend tells me that you are a dancer, have you considered auditioning for any celebrities?" Martin caught me out of my trance which I was thankful for.

"Oh, yes I dance. I actually own my own studio here in New York. It can become very time consuming so I never really put in any thought of leaving it." I replied to him.

"Well, whenever you're looking to audition just give me a call and I can help you." I was speechless. I never really imagined myself traveling with some worldwide celebrity, but having this as an opportunity is just amazing.

"I will be sure to contact you then." I tried my hardest not to start smiling like an idiot. Martin grabbed a nearby cocktail napkin before writing down his number.

"I'll be looking forward to hearing from you then. Enjoy the party ladies." I clutched the napkin and sighed in happiness as I neatly placed it in my clutch.

"See? Tonight was worth it after all." Aubrey smiled. I rolled my eyes as I sipped my water.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Someone announces from the stage. A short, plump man was gathering everyone's attention. "I just want to thank you for showing up tonight and supporting the release of Michael Jackson's newest album. Now here he is, the man of the hour, Michael Jackson!" Applause filled the room as Michael attended the stage in a bright red jacket and buckled pants. He still looked as handsome as he did before, but maybe even more.

"Thank you, Frank. Wow, umm, I really wasn't planning on making a speech tonight. I just want to thank you all for attending the album release party tonight. The support through this has been very needed and I appreciate it so much, I couldn't have done it without-" Michael's speech suddenly came to an abrupt stop as his eyes soon fell upon me. "You." People were starting to wonder who he was looking g at, but luckily nobody looked at me. Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to look away from Michael.

"Excuse me." I made my way through the crowd as I made a dash towards the bathroom. Once I closed the door, I broke down into tears as I thought about what just happened. Even after all of these years, after not contacting me, he actually managed to recognize me and act like he still cared. I suddenly heard another person in the bathroom which mean that the one moment I thought I was alone, I wasn't.

"Oh, I apologize. I didn't realize that someone was in- Anna?" I turned around to see Michael's younger sister Janet standing in shock.

"Janet?" I grabbed her in a tight hug before she pulled away.

"Wow, it's so great to see you! You look good, really good! How've you been?" She asked excitedly.

"I've been okay." She stared at me with concern, before stepping back in realization.

"Michael I see." I was curious as to what she meant, but then I understood.

"How'd you know?" I asked her.

"Girl, it's kinda obvious. You left while he was giving a speech and you're in here crying." I nodded my head as I dried my tears.

"It's just this overwhelming feeling I got after not seeing him after all of these years. I guess my emotions just got out of control." I sniffled.

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