The Big Mistake

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I woke up the next morning with the best feeling I'd ever experienced. Memories of last night faded into my head as I looked up at Michael to see him sleeping peacefully next to me. His arm was laid across my waist delicately, bringing me in closely. A smile was plastered on my face while I continued to look up at the man who had officially taken my virginity. Michael's eyes began to open gently, showing the same feeling in his eyes that I had just felt when waking up.

"Good morning sweetheart." He greeted with a glowing face.

"Morning." I said back with the same tone. I began to sit up until Michael jerked me back down onto him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked said against my lips.

"To take a shower and then pack." Michael shook his head before getting up and throwing me over his shoulders. I cling onto the sheet wrapped around my body, praying that it wouldn't slip off.

"Michael put me down!" I squirmed in his grasp. He ignored my command as he brought me into the bathroom. I looked around to the see the whole bedroom a complete mess, the rose petals were everywhere, our clothes were scattered all over the room, but something was missing and it caught my attention fairly quickly.

"Michael, seriously set me down." I said to him in a serious tone.

"What's wrong?" I walked over to my bag that held my clothes and put on one of the two shirts that Michael had given me.

"Did we happen to use protection last night?" Michael stared at me for a moment before widening his eyes in realization.

"Dammit!" It caught me off guard to hear him curse, but in this situation it didn't matter.

"Michael what if I end up pregnant?!" He looked at me before smiling widely.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked in anxiousness.

"I don't see how that can be a bad thing. Anna we can start a family, together! I've been meaning to tell you this, but I've already found a house! The reason why I was gone a lot during our break was because I was meeting with the realtor about the estate I happened to be looking at for us." I was confused for a minute about this whole thing, during our break we weren't even together. None of this was making sense to me.

"Let me get this straight, you found a house for us before you even asked me out?" Michael nodded his head before looking at me with the same expression I had looked at him with.

"Yeah, why?" I sat on the bed, holding my head in my hands.

"Michael I don't even know if I will move in with you, I still have my apartment and studio back in New York!" He wrapped a towel around him before kneeling down to me.

"I know this seems so sudden but if you're pregnant-"

"That's if I'm pregnant Michael, I don't know if I am. It only takes one time for someone to get pregnant with unprotected sex." I clarified for him.

"If you're pregnant, then we will figure something out. Anna, I love you and if you do happen to be pregnant then I want you and my child to live with me." I sighed heavily.

"It's just so soon Michael, who knows if this will even last!" I watched as he took a step back from me.

"What are you trying to say Anna? That you want to break up?" I stopped him before grabbing his hands.

"No, what I mean is, I don't want you to rush into buying a house for us before we even know what lies ahead of us. I may not end up pregnant, or we may not end up together forever, but as of right now I'm madly in love with you and right now we don't know if I'm pregnant." Michael sighed before leaning down to kiss my head with tenderness.

"I love you too Anna and I don't want to rush you into anything that you aren't ready for. I know we've only been together for a few months, but we need to be sure about...this." He motioned to my belly as I nodded.

"And we will, for now let's just take things easy okay?" He nodded his head before leading me into the bathroom.

"Now where were we?" He asked as he began to fiddle with the buttons on the shirt I was wearing.

(Dallas, TX)

"So the estate is located in the Santa Ynez Valley. It has about 3,000 acres of land and is very secure." The realtor that Michael had mentioned to me, had said.

"All we need is for you to give the consent Michael and the estate is yours." Michael glanced between me and the phone.

"Could you please hold Mr. Spence?" He pressed the hold button before speaking with me.

"What do you think?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

"I don't know Michael, I want to move in with you but I'm just worried about everything else in New York." He grasped my hands and held them in his large ones.

"I know I'm asking a lot of you, but I really want this. I want to make it official Anna." He pleaded with me. There were so many things that I had to take care of if I planned on moving in with him such as finding a new owner for my studio, selling my apartment, telling Aubrey goodbye. How was I even to know if this relationship was going to last?

"How sure are you on this Michael?" His eyes glistened with assurance.

"I'm certain Anna, I want this." I couldn't stop the grin forming on my face as I nodded my head.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Michael wrapped his arms around me, planting kisses on my head before returning to the phone call with the realtor.

"Mr. Spence? We'll take it!" Michael cheered with happiness, it made me happy to see him happy.

"Okay Mr. Jackson, I'll get the documents together and the next time you'll be in L.A. I'll have you sign them and the estate is yours! It was great doing business with you Mr. Jackson, have a great rest of your day." The realtor hung up as Michael picked me up from the chair I was sitting on and spun me around in joy.

"I'm so happy right now!" He set me down and looked me in the eyes.

"Me too." Although I was really excited, I still couldn't stop the cloud of frustration hanging over my head from all of the stress that I will have to go through.

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