Trials and Tribulations

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I eventually returned on tour with Michael and I couldn't have been more happier to get back. Not only did I miss being around Michael, but I missed the overall atmosphere on the tour. Everyone greeted me as if I had never left which made me feel more comfortable in my surroundings, even when they gave their condolences to me about Cole. Throughout these past few days since Michael proposed, I've learned to accept the way things were and I knew that was the only way I could move on. A mother can never fully move on from the loss of a child, but they can move on to a life filled with hope in having the chance to start a family again, maybe not now but sometime soon.

"How does it feel to be back?" Michael asked as he looked through some photos of what seemed to be dancers. He laced his fingers with mine, kissing my wrist softly and bringing me closer.

"It feels good to be completely honest with you, I've missed everyone on tour. This just feels like a second home to me, regardless of your feelings of touring, these people have been very kind and I couldn't be more happier to see them all again." Michael kissed the side of my head with warmth and passion before turning back to what he was previously working on.

"Well as long as your happy, I don't think anything else could top that." I smiled at him and peeked over his shoulder to get a good look at what he was working on.

"What are you doing?" I picked up a few photos and scanned the information attached with them.

"Looking over some of the resumes that some dancers who are auditioning for my new movie have sent in. Since I won't be around to actually work on rehearsals or speak to them, I might as well just read over who they really are and see if they are movie worthy." I could tell he was stressed by the constant sound of him sighing after going through large amounts of resumes to find the right fits.

"How many have applied?" Michael rubbed his face tiredly before replying.

"I'm not sure, at least two hundred maybe. I only have a limited amount of spots and it's just becoming a weight of frustration on me with the tour, and this. I just can't seem to find the time to sit down and actually start working on this." I wrapped my arms around him and pressed myself against him in support. The poor guy has been through a lot and I couldn't even imagine everything that he must be dealing with.

"Just pace yourself Michael, you need to take a break with some things before you overwork yourself. Remember that I'm always here for you so don't hesitate to ask me for help, that's why I'm here." I kissed his cheek softly, rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"I know you are and I couldn't love you more for it." I decided to take matters into my own hands and help him with the applications. He wasn't kidding when he said there were a lot, but time went by quickly when there was both of us working.

"What about her?" Michael widened his eyes at me as he looked between the dancer and me.

"You want her to dance with me?" I'll admit she was very beautiful but that was no reason to shun her because of her beauty, if she's talented then I don't see what the problem is.

"Yes I do actually, if the girl has talent then hire her, I'm not going to be the obstacle in the way of you hiring someone with pure talent. That wouldn't be right of me to do that and I would feel guilty for it." Michael took the paper out of my hand and scanned the application she sent in. From what I could see, she was very talented and I was quite impressed.

"You're right, she seems like she's had quite the experience with dancing." Michael commented as he set her application in the hire section. By the time Michael had finished with a few other applications, it was time for him to get on stage. I quickly helped him put everything away and kissed him good luck before heading out to the open air arena. Bill found me immediately and took his place next to me, engaging himself in conversation with me.

"How are you doing Anna?" He asked with concern.

"I'm doing better, but I'm still in a place where it's going to take more than a few weeks to get over everything." Bill nodded his head at me, facing forward.

"Well let's hope the trial won't be too stressful for you." I whipped my head around to be met with Bills face.

"What do you mean trial?" He widened his eyes, trying to think of something to say.

"Michael didn't tell you? Michael wants to sue Whitney and Gary for everything they've done to you. I thought he would've mentioned that by now." I turned my gaze to the stage where Michael was coming on.

"No, he didn't."


"There you are! You have no idea how much I've missed seeing you out there." Michael ran off stage and wrapped his sweaty body around me.

"Yeah, me too." I said in a low grumble.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked as he wiped his sweat covered face off with his towel before making our way to the exit of the arena.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I sarcastically remarked, getting an awkward glance from Michael.

"Well obviously there is something going on or else you wouldn't be entirely pissed for no reason." I glared at him seriously, jumping into the car without a word.

"Why should it matter anyway? Since you're the one always making the decisions and calling the shots, my problems shouldn't even be considered." I rubbed my face tiredly, not wanting to talk about this any further.

"What are you even talking about Anna?" I scoffed sarcastically.

"Don't even worry about it."

"Anna, what are you talking about!" Michael raised his voice. It wasn't often for him to do that, especially with me.

"The trial Michael! What the hell were you thinking?" Michael sighed heavily, glancing between the window and me.

"It was for your own good."

"My own good? My own good would be if you had left it alone!" This was insane, Gary was in jail and Whitney would be too stupid to come after me without him.

"They were killing you Anna, inside and out! The girl that I met a long time ago isn't you anymore. You're so broken and I can see it in your eyes, I promised you that I'm not going to let anyone hurt you and that's what I'm doing." By now, tears were falling down his face.

"But suing Whitney? Michael we don't have any evidence of her having any sort of involvement in this, only Gary and he won't even confess about her. What makes you think that this is going to work?" Michael grabbed my hands and brought them close to him.

"It will, and I will make sure that she pays for everything. Even if I have to put myself in a bad position, I will ensure your safety and nothing will stop me." He brought his forehead to mine and kissed my nose softly.

"Where do we start?" I asked in hopes of finding someway to get proper evidence.

"For now, let's rest, we'll consider the options tomorrow. I love you Anna and I know you know that, but I can't stand the thought of you hurting anymore." Michael said, his voice thick with worry.

"I love you too Michael, and nothing is going to happen to me anymore." Having been Whitney's punching bag for so long, it's time that I stop being the victim and be the hero for myself and Michael. I had already lost a part of me, and I don't intend on doing it again.

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