Home Again, Home Again

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The next morning was no walk in the park. I had woken up this realize that I'd fallen asleep in Michael's room. My cheeks flames red as I gazed down at Michael's arm draped across my abdomen. My smile suddenly faded as I had remembered that today was the day Michael was due to go home. I quietly unraveled from Michael's comforting grasp and tiptoed out of the room towards mine. Once the door was closed to my bedroom, I sighed heavily and began to get myself ready for the day, slowly.


As I made my way down the stairs, I saw that Michael had borrowed some of my relatives old luggage to carry some of his things. I hoped and prayed to God that everything would be fine when he got home, I wouldn't be mentally or physically prepared for the pain if something did happen.

"Morning sweetheart!" My Aunt warmly greeted me. I smiled weakly as I took a seat next to Michael.

"Hungry?" She asked me.

"Not really." I replied softly.

"Alright then. How'd you two sleep?" My eyes about popped out of their sockets, as did Michael's.

"What?" We boy nervously said in unison.

"Did you both sleep alright in your beds?" She clarified for us. Michael and I sighed in relief.

"Very well actually, until this morning." Michael said, adverting his eyes to me. "How about you Anna? Did you sleep well last night?" He questioned with a sly smirk.

"I slept very well actually." I slipped Michael a wink without Aunt May noticing.

"Well that's good to hear." My Aunt commented from the stove.

All of us remained quiet for the remainder of breakfast. If only could've lasted longer, but unfortunately time decided to be a thief and speed up. Before we knew it, Michael and I were walking down the sidewalk. It felt a bit awkward walking next to each other, considering what happened last night and this morning.

"Why did you leave this morning?" Michael suddenly decided to ask.

"I-I guess I didn't want there to be any awkwardness, you know, considering that we're friends." I came up with the most random idea I could think of.

"I guess, but friends can sleep with friends. I don't think there would be any laws broken." Michael said with a shrug.

We remained silent as we continued on the journey. Before we knew it, we had arrived in a neighborhood that I've never seen before, it was a lively area with music playing everywhere and kids dancing and playing in the streets.

"This is such a cool neighborhood!" I exclaimed as we walked down a street called Jackson Street.

"Yeah it is, here's my house." He pointed to a little home located on the corner of the street.

"It's ironic how your last name is Jackson and you live on a street called Jackson Street," I commented.

"Yeah, It's always been amusing to me." He chuckled softly. We trudged down the sidewalk and up the steps to the door. Michael hesitated as we got closer to the door.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I stepped down from the steps.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a little worried that's all." He shrugged his shoulders as he glanced away from the door. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"I'll be right here next to you Michael." I comforted. Michael shook his head as he turned his head back to me.

"I know, it's just...you're also the first person I've ever brought to my home so I'm also a bit nervous about you seeing it." He looked down at his feet in embarrassment. I glanced at the well kept home in front of me.

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