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(Anna's POV)

It's been a few days since Michael and I became a couple. We kept the whole relationship thing under the radar and only told people we were closest to. No one in our family knew yet and we wanted to keep it that way until we see them next. Our appearances in public were limited and we had to be cautious about what we do in front of people, one mistake can cause a riot. Michael wanted this to be the one thing in his life that is kept private, and I too agreed. It was early morning and the only thing I had desire for was to sleep. Unfortunately that wasn't part of my plan as I felt a pair of hands grab me by my ankles and pull me to the end of the bed.

"Good morning angel." Michael greeted me sweetly. I kicked my legs out of his grasp as he bent down to give my lips a tender kiss.

"Good morning to you too." I hopped off of the bed and stretched.

"I'm going out today, I was wondering if you would come with me?" I pulled my hair off of my face and looked at him with confusion.

"I thought we wanted to keep this a secret for now?" He sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap.

"I mean I do, for now. We just became a couple and I don't want anyone making this a huge deal and start hounding us every time we are together." I understood what he was meaning. The poor guy can't have any privacy anywhere and this is the one thing that he wants to keep out of the spotlight and I am willing to go along with it.

"So what are our plans for today if we're going out?" Michael smiled ear to ear in happiness.

"I know that this may seem stupid, but there is a children's hospital here in St. Louis and I feel like that is where I need to be instead of rehearsals, you know how much children mean to me and I want the day to be spent on being with them." I smiled ear to ear as well at Michael's kindness and generosity.

"I think that is the most amazing plan I have ever heard." I kissed his cheek lightly as I got up to get changed for the day.


Michael and I had been at the hospital for close to five hours just talking and playing with the children and I was in awe of how much Michael cherished his time with children. Many kids had asked Michael to sign their casts or stuffed toys and things like that and it brought me to tears every time Michael would say yes and give them the attention that they need the most right now. Before leaving, one of the nurses took us to one of the wards located near the back of the hospital, it was spooky down the hallways with all of the quietness.

"Some kids have been kept back here from abusive incidents, in fear that someone might hurt them. None of them really have a family to look after them which cause many of them to be put up for adoption or put in foster care." There weren't really any windows back here except for the ones located in a few rooms back here. I looked in a few rooms to see some children basically fighting for the lives by being on breathing machines and other things to keep them alive. My whole being was shaking uncontrollably, but was soon calmed as Michael's hand grasped mine. I looked at him to see his reassuring eyes telling me that it was okay.

"One of our girls, Lilly Henderson is her name, has been through so much more than most of our patients. Her mother is in and out of jobs and her father was locked up for sexually and physically abusing this poor child since she was only 6 years old, she is 8 now. This poor girl has had to undergo multiple surgeries to fix broken bones, and to repair failing organs. Many parts of her body are distorted due to the amount of damage done to her, but she insists on wearing your shirts everyday. One of the most common things we have noticed besides that is when she has to undergo surgery, she sings one of your songs before being put under anesthesia. I will let you have some time with her, just let me tell her that you're here." What I went through doesn't even compare to this that had happened to a child that is only eight years of age. What kind of monster would do something like this to an innocent child?

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