Late Nights and Last Nights

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(2 months later)

It was now August and Summer was officially at an end, I was now fifteen and Michael now eighteen. These last few months had flown by and now I was set to leave the next day. I had just finished throwing the last piece of clothing into my suitcase before sitting on the window seat and staring out at the beautiful backyard that Aunt May and I had decorated no too long ago. My eyes were fixated on a pair of birds dancing delicately in the bird bath, the sight made me think of Michael and how close we've become in the past couple of months. His relationship with his father has gotten better, but not close enough to where he began calling him Dad. I was proud to see how strong he'd become and it made me smile for the first time that day. I was so zoned out that I didn't realize someone came into my room.

"Whatcha thinking about over there?" I jumped at the sound of Michael from the door frame.

"You scared me." I sighed heavily as I got off of the seat.

"I'm pretty good at that nowadays." He chuckled which made my heart flutter. "Here, maybe these will make up for scaring you." He presented a beautiful smelling bouquet of Casablanca Lillie's.
"Oh Michael, these are beautiful!" I gushed as I embraced him before setting them down.

"So when do you leave?" The gleeful mood soon turned dreary at the mention of my return home.

"Tomorrow." I sadly replied as I plopped down on the bed.

"Well, at least there is still today!" He happily exclaimed.

"What do you have planned?" I curiously asked him.

"Well, in order to find out you have to come with me." I rolled my eyes at his lack of explaining the days agenda to me.

"Fine!" I said before grabbing the Lillie's and heading downstairs to put them in some water. Aunt May was reading a book as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Well aren't those beautiful." She examined the Lillie's Michael gave me as I put them in water, their sweet smelling aroma filling the air.

"Michael gave them to me." I blushed as I glanced at Michael leaning cooly against the door frame of the kitchen.

"Well aren't you a gentleman. Where are you guys going?" My Aunt asked us curiously.

"I'm not sure, but Michael wanted to take me out for the last time." I replied.

"Okay, well be safe and don't stay out too late. Remember, your train leaves early tomorrow morning." My Aunt warmed. I nodded my head before walking out with Michael. The sun was beginning to set as we made our way down the street.

"You know I'm really going to miss you when you leave. It's going to be weird not waking up every morning without an adventure." Michael sadly stated the truth.

"Yeah it is going to be weird. It'll be hard to adjust when I go back, not waking up to home cooked meals, not seeing you everyday, not having anyone to trust and be with all of the time. You're the only person I can actually trust." I glanced at Michael who gripped my hand tightly.

"Don't worry Anna, we'll still have phone calls. It'll be like we're still only a few blocks away." Michael suggested.

"Yeah you're right." I said.

"Aren't I always?" Michael sarcastically remarked.

"Now, don't get cocky!" I playfully nudged his ribs. Michael and I walked until we came to part one of our mysterious putting, according to Michael. The diner I came to on my first day here was jam packed with cars and teens just hanging out. The streetlights were already beginning to come on which meant that the town was coming alive. Michel escorted me in as he was greeted by some locals he knew. The sound of the jukebox playing classic hits was synchronized with the steps of teens dancing with one another. Michael and I slipped into an empty booth as we watched the couples dance. Our waitress soon took our orders as Michael and I exchanged conversations during the time of waiting.

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