End Game

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Finally an update! A long ass update if I do say so myself. My vacation is over and I return back to school on Thursday, but between now and then I will try to update as much as I can. Now, on with the chapter!!!

Michael and I found ourselves back at Neverland the next morning. Never have I seen him so physically drained, but it comforted me to know that his bad sleeping habits had gotten better over time. I myself had been up since the early morning hours just swarmed with the thoughts over taking my mind. The dreams still hadn't subsided and they were bound to get worse as the trial drew nearer. I sat at the kitchen counter as one of the maids served me a cup of coffee to get my energy flowing.

"Ms. Simms, is there anything I can get for you?" I shook my head at her kind offer.

"No I'm okay, I'll probably wait until Michael wakes up." As if on cue, Michael waltzed sleepily into the kitchen. His button down hung open at the front, giving me the full view of his toned chest.

"Someone's up early for a change." Michael wrapped his arms around my neck, pecking his lips along my jawline.

"I know, I surprised myself as well." He took a seat next to me as the maid served him his daily dose of orange juice.

"Are you okay? You don't look like you're feeling too well." He laid his hand over my forehead as I yawned tiredly.

"I didn't sleep well last night." I knew he wasn't buying it and I could tell by his expression that he wanted the truth.

"Carol could you give us a moment please?" She nodded her head and exited the kitchen, leaving Michael and I to ourselves.

"What's going on Anna? You haven't been yourself lately and I'm just really worried about you." I sighed heavily for I didn't want to discuss this but I didn't have a choice.

"I'm still having nightmares again Michael and they've gotten worse, a lot worse." I sipped my coffee to avoid his worried stare.

"Anna I know you may be against this, but maybe you should talk to someone about it? I can tell that this is eating you alive and I can't bare to see it any longer, maybe talking to someone professional will help you move on from it."

"It's not something that I openly tell people and no one can understand what I went through. Having someone do that to you and then take your child is something that I will never get over. You won't understand since it didn't happen to you!" Michael would never be able to understand my issue, no matter how hard he tries he would never be able to understand my horrific experience at the hands of a killer and a rapist.

"I may not be able to really understand, but I'm just trying to help you."

"Well don't." I didn't want to talk anymore about this, no was my final answer and he couldn't change my mind. I slammed the door to Michael and I's bedroom shut and fell back on the unmade bed. I closed my eyes, hoping that would take some of the stress and frustration off of me but my wishes were denied when I heard the sound of the phone ringing next to me.

"Hello?" I said with a bit of agitation.

"Anna, it's so wonderful to hear from you again." The sound of Whitney speaking to me, knocked me out of my emotions.

"What do you want Whitney?" My heart rate began to pick up the longer she held the silence.

"Except the fact that I still don't have what I want and that my brother is in jail because of you, I'd say that I just want to talk. Maybe catch up, what do you say?" She sneered.

"I'd rather slit my wrists than converse with you any longer."

"You see, your friend Aubrey would disagree with your decision." I jumped off of the bed at the mention of Aubrey.

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