Chapter 2 Welcome to Hell

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Author's note.

This is it. The moment where Yuya goes to hell, literally. Let's see how Yuya survives his first stay. Anyway, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 2

Welcome to Hell

At Yuya's house.

Yuya was busy packing three suit cases and a backpack.

"Are you sure you want to do this Yuya?" Asked Skip.

"Like I said, I need to get out of Paradise City for a while", answered Yuya. "And don't you think it's rude to turn down an invitation from the devil?".

"True", said Yoko. "But, try not to be TOO, uh".

"Sinful" finished Yuya.

"Something like that" answered Yoko. Yuya then zipped up his bag.

"It's just one year mom", said Yuya. "What's the worst that could happen?". As Yuya opened the door, he saw Nico waiting there for him. Also, in the room were Charlie, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Alastor, Husker, Nifty, Baxter, Mimzie and Cherri Bomb.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Yuya.

"Well, Yuya", said Nico. "People have been warning to know how the 'other half lives' as they say. But, since YOU were the only one with an invite, Lucifer and I have come to an agreement".

"What's that?" Asked Yuya. Nico then produced a tiny camera.

"This Camera will allow us to see whatever you see", said Nico. "So, we can finally solve the ling debate on whether hell is a bad place or not".

"In other words, you're too scared to send drones down to hell" said Cherri Bomb.

"Can you blame me?" Asked Nico.

"Pussy" mocked Cherri Bomb. Nico growled at this. "Yuya then placed the Camera on him.

"Can you guys see everything?" Asked Yuya. Nico then pulled a computer out of nowhere and looked at the screen.

"Yep, all systems good" answered Nico.

"Hey, where are Helsa, Seviathan and Octavia?" Asked Yuya.

"Waiting in the limo" answered Angel Dust.

"Yuya", said Charlie. "I think we should get going".

"Well, I guess this is goodbye" said Yuya as he turned to his friends.

"Just be yourself" said Yoko. Everyone then hugged Yuya as he left. The doors to the school opened and they were soon surrounded by paparazzi and news reporters.

"Say, uh, smile bee?" Asked Angel Dust.

"Yes?" Asked Nico.

"Doesn't Yuya get like bodyguards or something?" Asked asked Angel Dust. All the cameras were now focused on him.

"Did you say you had weapons?", asked Nico. "Why not use them?".

"I left them at home", answered Angel Dust. "Besides, bodyguard ain't on my resume".

"Then what can you do my afemity fellow?" Asked Nico.

"I can suck your dick" answered Angel Dust. Everyone of Charlie's friends just facepalmed.

"Uh, no thanks" said Nico.

"Heh, your loss" said Angel Dust.

'I'm standing outside of the You Show Duel School. Where their star student; Yuya Sakaki is about to go where no human has gone before'.

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