Chapter 25 The Duel is a Stage Part 1

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Author's note.

Here's another chapter. In this one, we shine the spotlight on God's first female, Adam's first wife, the wife of Lucifer and the mother of Charlie. If those hints aren't enough, we're talking about Lilith today. Let's see how the wife of Lucifer fairs against Yuya. So, leave a review, sit back and enjoy the show.

Chapter 25

The Duel is a stage part 1

As Yuya roused himself from slumber, he noticed a note on the desk next to his bed. Under it was envelope coloured a bright lavender. He grabbed the note and read it.


I thought you might want to enjoy some time with me back stage at one of my concerts. I got you an I.D badge to get you, special access, shall we say. See you this evening.


'Huh, a concert', Yuya thought. 'That would be nice change of pace'. His phone then buzzed and he picked it up.

"Hello" he said talking into the phone.

'Why hello there Yuya'.

"Oh, hi Nico", said Yuya. "What do I owe the pleasure?".

'Your duels with the people in hell are boosting our ratings like rocket'.

"Okay, the ratings have gone up", Yuya said as he got out of bed and headed to the dressing room. "But, I got somewhere to be today".

'Ooooooooooh, where's that?'.

"Lilith invited me to one of her concerts", answered Yuya. "She even gave me a pass for, and I quote, 'special access'".

'Sounds like a booty call'.

"She's a married woman, you know", said Yuya. "AND Charlie's mom".

'Well, enjoy your time at the concert. If you duel again, let me know'

"Yeah, sure, see" said Yuya before he hung up. The butlers and maids then helped him get ready.

"Thanks" said Yuya.

"Don't mention it" said the butler with the fuzzy beard.

"I'll get the car ready" said the butler with the scar over his eye. Later that day, Yuya had gotten changed into his suit and , the limo pulled up and Yuya got inside.

"To Lilith's concert please" said Yuya.

"Right away" said the driver. With that, the limo then drove off. As they drove through the city, he saw there were demons and sinners looking him through the windows of the limo. Eventually, they arrived. The building was that of a large theatre that was painted red and had gold highlights. As Yuya made his way towards the theatre, he saw a female hellhound with red fur guarding the door.

She saw then pass around Yuya's neck.

"Hey, kid" the hellhound said, gaining Yuya's attention. Yuya then walked over to her.

"Yeah?" Asked Yuya.

"You got a backstage pass", answered the hellhound. "Follow me". Yuya then followed the hellhound into the theatre and through a door that read 'staff only'.

"Enjoy the show" the hellhound said before walking away and closing the door behind her. Yuya continued to walk down the corridor until he saw Lilith getting her make-up done by two Succubi, while an incubi did her hair. She could see Yuya in the mirror.

"Glad to see that you made it", said Lilith. "Did you have a pleasant ride here?".

"I did", said Yuya. "Also, quick question; how many dresses do you have?".

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