Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I am taken out of my thoughts when I see a ball fly past my head and a tan boy running in front of me.

When he stands right in my view of Paige I look up and meet his crystal blue eyes and award winning grin.

"Are you okay? That ball looked like it hit you!" He asks, voice smooth as silk.

I didn't even realize a ball hit me in the head.

I shake my head, "I'm alright. I don't think the ball hit me."

He smiles, "Ok good then." He looks to the side at his friends then back at me. I realize he is wearing a shirt that says "Anaheim Marine Beach Lifeguard."

"I'm Josh." He says sticking out his hand.

Does everyone shake hands here?

I grip his soft hand and shake it, "Chloe."

"Do you need any help? You look a little....lost." He asks looking down at me.

"Um well Paige over there was supposed to show me around but she seems to be over there in la la boyfriend land." I say pointing over to Paige who is talking to that same boy, twirling her hair.

Josh laughs, "Yeah that's Mikey. Him and Paige are always on cloud 9 with eachother. They wouldn't even realize if there was a tsunami coming and they were the only ones on the beach."

I smile, "I get that!"

"Well if you ever need a tour guide just look for the lifeguard off duty sign and I'll be your guide!" He grins.

I smile, "Ok yeah definitely."

Once he walks back to the football game I realize I shouldn't even been thinking he is cute.

Chloe you have a boyfriend.

A boyfriend who isn't that reliable.

But you can't be having a secret summer romance.

You have a boyfriend.

When the boys start to play their football game I see Paige cheering on Mikey. Josh starts running and I'm guessing he makes a touchdown cause they all pat him on the back.

He catches me looking and winks.

Once they start playing again I can tell Josh is trying to show off. He flicks some water on his hair and keeps catching my eye.

He tries to catch most of the balls but fails half the time.

I squint my eyes at the sun setting.

When Josh looks over at me again I stand up and start walking his way.

"Hey Josh!" I yell.

He looks over and smiles.

They all stop playing and I keep walking towards him the stop, sticking my hands in my back pockets.

"How much farther are you gonna go until you pull up your big boy pants and ask for my number?" I reply.

Josh's face turns red as a chorus of o's come from his group of friends.

He shakes his head grinning, "I didn't think I would have to ask, I thought you would just give it to me since you were checking me out too."

I smile and bite my lip, "So you were checking me out?"

Josh looks down smiling.

"So when will I be able to get this so called number?"

"Who said you were getting it?" I ask smiling.

More of his friends chant.

Josh bites his lip and laughs, "Playing hard to get, huh Chloe?"

I grin at him, "I'm pretty impossible to get so you have to try harder than fake throwing a ball in my direction." After a few seconds I add, "I know your tricks."

Everyone laughs. Josh walks closer, "How do I get into this impossible zone?"

I look in his eyes and whisper, "you don't." I spin around and walk away.

I hear whispers behind me and just smile.

That should set him straight////end of chapter 3

YAS JOSHY IS HERE!!! Sorry this was a really long chapter! I really liked it though!

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