Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


I hold my phone in my hand and wait for that call.

I watch Josh playing with some kids on the beach. I just sit there.

He doesn't know I'm there. Watching.

Life has been a little rough this past week. I've been avoiding everyone.

Only because they nor I can't get too attached. It wouldn't be good.

So I wait for the call. The call to tell me when I am leaving and what time my flight is it.

Just as Josh looks over In my direction I stand up and put my phone to my ear.


"Hey sweetie."

"Hi mom."

"How are you? You having fun?"

I sigh, "Yeah. It's a lot of fun!" I lie.

She laughs, "Well I'm happy to hear that because I have some special news to tell you."



"I want to talk with you. Tonight meet me at the lifeguard stand around 8. We need to talk. I miss you." Josh texts me.

I roll my eyes and flop down on my bed. My dad knocks on my door and walks in.

"Chlo. What's wrong. You have been moping around all day. Tell me what's going on." He says.

I throw my hand over my eyes in a way to tell him I'm not talking.

"I know you don't want to talk. And I know I haven't been there for a long time but-"

I sit up, "Yeah you haven't been there for a long time. And I never remember to ask you why! Why did you leave us? Why did you want to reconnect. Why aren't you taking off work to spend time with me? I am your only daughter and I shouldn't be sitting here wondering why you just decided to actually be a father!"

"Chloe what has gotten into you?"

I stand up, "I am done with being played by people. You and mom! Mom told me you never wanted to speak to us and she couldn't contact you but it seems like you two have had a lot of contact since then. So stop acting like whatever this is you can fix. I am 17 years old and I am growing up dad! I am not 7. I will be going off to college soon and than graduating and starting my life. I can't have all of this on my back!"

He sighs and rubs his eyes, "I am trying to rekindle this because I want to be there when you get married and have children and graduate. I am sorry I left but that is in the past now."

"Yeah but the past still can come back and haunt you. You know what maybe it would've been better if I never came here. I wouldn't be caught between this life and the one back home!" I yell.

I realize what I just said and close my eyes, "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."
I look out my window, "I've got to go." I whisper turning around.

"Where are you going?" My dad asks

"On a walk."

I slip on my shoes and walk down to the beach. The sun is starting to set and I lay down on the sand and look up at the sky. I take in a lot of deep breaths and someone comes and sits next to me.

"I used to always come here to think and de-stress."

I sit up and Josh is sitting next to me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asks.

"I'm not avoiding you."

He laughs, "You are clearly lying to me."

"I just have a lot on my mind. That's all."

"What's on your mind?"


"There you go. Lying again." He pauses, "Chlo tell me."

I roll my eyes, "Can you just stop with all of these questions? I am fine. I am stressed and it doesn't concern you."

"Than why don't you at least try and talk to me about it!"

I stand up and dust my shirts off, "Maybe because I know what you guys will say."

He follows my lead, "And what will we say?"

I pause, "I'm sorry I have to go." I turn around but he grabs my arm spinning me around.

I yank my arm, "Stop Josh. You can't fix everything ok? Just stop it and let me be!"

"Than tell me what is going on!" He yells.

"I am leaving!"

He stops, "You are what?"

"I'm leaving! I am leaving Josh! You guys knew it was coming so might as well tell you now! I'm leaving and I can't bare to make it any worse."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew what you would say! You would say that we can work this out and have a long distance relationship! Well what if I just want to go to my regular life and go to college? I don't want to be held down!"

"Held Down? When have we ever held you down?"

"Before this my life was amazing! But now it's just a little hard because I have a life here and there!"

"But we all love you here and your dad is here and-"

"My dad should've been here 15 years ago! But he wasn't ok? So let me be and let me leave."

"When are you leaving?" He yells.

"Soon. So thank you for making me have the best summer. But it is time to go back to reality. This is just a summer love. Don't worry about me anymore." I place my hand on his cheek and gently kiss his lips.

He just stares at me. I stick my hands in my pockets and walk back up towards my house.

The thing is.....

My mom told me I could stay if I wanted to.

But I refused.


End of chapter 29

Dun dun dun!!!! This doesn't sound good!!! Tell me what you think will happen!

Thank you all so much for the support these past few weeks! It has really been amazing.

Ending is coming but you guys won't expect it!!!! Love you all so much and remember to always be positive!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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