Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


"What the hell was that?" I yell at Josh. After a few seconds knowing he won't answer I add on, "Yesterday you act all flirty with me, wanting to kiss me and today you act like nothing ever happened!"

He looks down, "I thought you were blowing me off again!"

"Again? When did I ever blow you off? My dad doesn't know that I am ever out with you! Those last 2 times he got home right when I was with you! He would've killed me knowing I was out that late with a boy. So you cant blame this whole thing on me." I yell pointing up at my house.

Josh looks back up at me.

"Josh I like you. I liked you from the moment I met you. And when I saw you in that damn store with that girl that made me angry! You can't just go on acting like nothing happened because It did."

He doesn't say anything again.

I bite my lip and look up, "You know what? You are just like every other guy I've dated so thanks for the fun while it lasted."

I turn around and start walking back. How could he seriously be that selfish? He is the one in the first who wanted to get my number and take me out. I was the one who didn't want a boyfriend. And then once I want him he doesn't seem to know what hit him. I like him!

When I almost get back onto the dock I hear, "Wait!"

I turn around and see josh running over. He comes to me and grabs my cheek, pulling my lips to his.

For a second I hesitate but then I start to kiss back, running my hands through his hair.

Josh pulls back, "I like you too."

I laugh and then pull my lips towards his again.////end of chapter 15

Sorry this took me so long to post! I liked this chapter! Love you guys!

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