Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


When I get back to my house it's starting to get dark so I change into some running shorts and a tank top.

My phone starts ringing.


"Hey Chloe! It's me Max. You haven't been answering your phone so I wanted to make sure you were alright?"

"Oh hey Max! Sorry my phone has been on silent."

"That's alright I wasn't sure. So do you want to head out to the lake with me tomorrow?"


"Um yeah about that."

"What?" His voice sounds tense.

"Um so I actually left to go to my dad's house in California this morning." I say quickly.

There is a long pause before he says, "Oh. How long will you be gone?"

I run my hands through my hair, "Around 3 months."

He sighs, "Why didn't you tell me? We were supposed to do stuff this summer!" He sounded mad.

"I'm sorry! It was kind of last minute."

"Last minute? How would going to stay in California for 3 months end up as last minute?"

"I don't know! Look can we talk about this later? I'm not really in the greatest mood for a lecture!" I snap

"Fine!" Then the line goes silent.

I set my phone down on the kitchen table and rub my eyes with the back of my hand.

The rain outside hits against the window as I try to find something to eat.

It's all healthy things. By healthy I mean whole wheat or no sugar products.

Whole wheat bread, noodles, cereal, etc.

My phone goes off and i walk over to the table to check it.

Dad: Hey Chlo I might be back a little late so you can order pizza or something. Number is on the fridge.

I roll my eyes and think, is this how it will be all summer////end of chapter 4

Sorry guys really short chapter!

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