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Olivia's brother Chris⬆️

Update 12.12.21
Olivia's pov:

I don't fell anything there is no pein or nothing. Everything is dark. And then slowly I opend my eyes. I was in hospital bed. And I don't remember how I got here. Last thing I remember is that I was doing my work from home and then nothing. "Oh dear you are awake. How are you feeling?" The nurse came in the room. "I what happened to me?" I asked her. My voice is so week. "What is the last thing ypu remember?" She asked me. "I was doing my work and then I don't know" I answered her. "Okey I will call your doctor and your family." She said. "M my family?" I asked her. "Yes. Don't you remember your brother? And friend?" She asked. And I shook my head no. "Don't worry it will be okey." She said and went. I remember that I have brother but I don't remember his name.  After ten minutes the doctor came in room. "Hi Olivia. My name is doctor William John. How are you?" He asked. Me. "Am good thanks. I am just confused a little." I answered. "You will be Okey. Let's do a little check up on you." He said. He did his work. "I need to tell you something." He sadi. And it wasn't good. "Am I dying?" I asked and he let a small laugh. "No. You just lost your memory." He told me. "My my memory? Like who my friends are my family?" I asked him. I let a small tears. How did this happened to me. "But you will be Okey." I know he is lying to me. "Will I be able to get them back?" I asked him. "Yes but there is only 1 procent." He said. I didn't know what. I was speechless. "I will be going now. We will keep you for one day just in case." He said and I Just nodded. I don't know what to do. I got up and took shower there was some fresh hospital clothes. After shower I went to bed and just sit there. I was going to get some sleep when I heard knock on my hospital door. "Come in." I said. And then the door slowly opened. In room came two man. But I couldn't recognize them. "Who are you?" I asked them. The both of them looked at me. The one how I guess opend the door was whit black hair and other was whit light brown blond hair. "Hi Olivia." Said the black one. "Hi" I said shy. "Who are you?" He asked me. "G-Good thank you." I answer to him. "Do you remember us or me?" He asked again and I shook my head no. "Am your brother Chris and this is your friend Tom. You know him as Tom Felton or Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter?" He said again and the other one how is Tom- HOLY SHIT ITS TOM FELTON! Why is he here? "I Yes I know him but I don't remember meeting him." I answered.  "We meet on the beach technicality you get unsecured on beach and then my dog saw you and I brought you to the hospital." He said. But I still can't remember. "I really don't remember that." I said. "It's Okey." He said sad. "You will be going home tomorrow. I will stay whit you. Than we can look some pictures or other memories to get yours back." Said Chris.  I nodded. "Okey cupcake we will be going to let you rest. I will bring you some clothes tomorrow." Said Chris. And we said goodbye. I am so tired I need to sleep. Than it hit me MY DOG. I quickly got out of the bed and to call Chris.  I opened the door. "CHRIS! TOM!" I SHOOTET then God they were still there. "What wrong? Are you Okey?" Asked Tom who got first to me. "Yes but my dog." He didn't let me finish. "She is staying whit me. Don't worry." He told me. Oh thank God. "Thank you I really get worried. How is she?" I asked. "Don't worry she is whit Willow my dog they are best friends. She is a little sad sometimes but she is healthy." He said. I wanted to thank him but nurse interports me. "Miss why are you out of the bed? You need to rest." She said and dragged me to the room. Rude I must say. She but me to the bed and gave me my medicine. O fell asleep. Next morning nurse and doctor woke me to check on me before Tom and Chris come to me to take me home. "Everything seems fine. You are doing just great." Doctor said. "Does that mean that I will get my memory's back?" I asked hoping that he will say yes. "Well there is maybe yes." He said. Mt hopes grow a little. After they left I had some things whit me and I need t peck them. So I did. And then I just need to wait till Chris get me clothes and then I will finally go home. I hate hospital. The nurse came in again to give me papers to sing that I can go home. It's been thirty minutes nkw and then they  came. "I brought you clothes. So go get dress and we can live." Said Chris. I went to bathroom to change. "You ready?" He asked me. I nodded and we went to I guess Tom's car. Because it was really expensive Porsche. "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Asked Tom. "Um we can go to Macdonald drive and eat home. I wanna see Milo She is probably upset." I answered and they just nodded. We get into car Tom on driver's side and Chris opposed from Tom and I am in back. We got food and we drove of to house because there was Milo. When Tom opened the front door Willow started to jump on Tom but there is no sight of my baby. And then when we went to living room. When she saw me she jumped in my arms and I started to cry. "It's Okey my baby. Am so sorry for what you wen through." I told her and sit on the floor whit her still in my arms. She was lacking my hole face. "Olivia let's go eat." Tom called me form kitchen. I got up still whit Milo in my ares. I sat on one chair opposite of Tom and but Milo in my lap. We ate and we have small conversations. Tom and Chris were getting ti know each other better and I whit them because it's like we never meet to me. "So what heppend to me?" I asked. They looked at me whit sad eyes. "Um you ahm." Chris began to talk but he said nothing. "Tom?" Said looking at him. "It's a long story." He said. "I have time." "Well um a week ago. I can't tell her you are her brother." He told Chris whit sirius look on his face. "I don't care how hard or painful it is. I want truth now."
So here we are. How are they going to tell her the truth? I just have one serious question. Are my chapters long or to short? And how much words should I write? Don't forget to vote and comment. ❤😌

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