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'Welcome to an other episode of Jimmy show. Today we will have a special and I mean special guest. Please Welcome Tom Felton.'
Tom was siting on one of Jimmis sofa.
J: How are you Tom?
T: I am doing just fine thank you.
And he did look fine. He looked like man whit out problems whit perfect life.
J; So new movie is coming out and you were on primer. Are you maybe in movie?
T: yes actually I am. And it was really exciting and stressful to film but in other way it was fun.
J: yes but we are not here to talk about movie. We are here to talk about you.
T: haha right. What do you want to know.
J: Oh I need to know so much but let's let fans ask my questions.
T: Is there any ways to escape from here?
J: Now is to late my friend. So let's begin. 
Fan: What is your favorite color?
T; Well I like green.
Fan 2: Who is most important person in your life?
There was a little silence that:
T: My mom of course.
Fan 3: Do you have girlfriend or crush on someone?
T: I have crush on someone actually.
F 3; can we know her name?
T: unfortunately no. I wanna keep it for my self.
And the interview was going on but the last fan he took words out of Tom's mouth.
Fan..: Do you want to be dad? And If you do how many kids would you have?
Tom was speechless.
J: Well Tom this is the right question.
T: Yes. Um I Yes of course I would like to have k kids.

Olivia's pov

T: Yes. Um I Yes of course I would like to have k kids.
I was crying.
Now you are probably wondering what happened whit me. I keep the baby. I give birth to a beautiful son. I named him Andreas Thomas. He is now two years old.  Tom left for England. I don't have contact whit him anymore. I think we are not for each other. I didn't even know if he know about our son. Am not sad. Am happy because He give me something I thought none never will. I never stopped loveing him. I love him before I meet him and I feel more in love whit him. Am sitting in front of TV and Andreas is sleeping. Two years ago I called my brother and explained du him why I did what I did. My dad died a year ago. I have my work and have my own company for photography. It's not really company its more like school. For now everything is on place.

Tom's ov:
Am home now and I can't stop thinking about Olivia. We stopped talking  and i don't even know what happened to her. I hope she keeped the baby. I am wondering is it boy or girl. I can't wait any longer. I miss her. I miss us. I love her. And I never looked at other girl after I left. I hope she is still my girl. I bought me a ticket for LA. And this time I hope she will give me an other chance I fucked up once. And I will understand her. I have to.
So what do you think. Is she going to forgive him? 😔
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