Date or not?

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Update: 15.12.22
Olivia's pov:
We were walking down to beach it was beautiful evening. Sun was orange and pink. We let the dogs to run on sand and play and we sit on the bank. "So how are you feeling?" Tom asked me. "I really don't know. Do you know felling that you are tired but can't rest?"I asked him. "Sometimes yes. Everything becomes to much it feels like you can't get away from problems." He sadi. I nodded. "Why were you in realeship whit this guy?" He asked me. "How Liam. We meet at college he was sweet and we were hanging out like a lot. He asked me out we started dating but after few months he started to act strange. He didn't talk to me he flirt whit other girls etc. So I broke up whit him. Buy he startet to make my life living hell. Hit me made fun of me. It was to much. He got to jell because of drugs and he said it was my fault." I said in the moment of the bed memory I started to cry. "Am sorry for asking." He said and hugged me. "It's not you fault."I said. We had that eye contact again and he started to come closer. And then or lips meet. He kissed me. Oh my God  Tom Felton kissed me.. I kissed him beck. "Qm sorry I didn't want to. I should asked first." Je said breaking the kiss. "Oh no it's Okey I um think. Yeah." I told him. "Will you go on a date whit me?" He asked me. Should I said yes. But what if he is like Liam. "Yes."I  told him. "Great. On weekend?"He asked. Oh no my parents. " Tom I wold love to but my parents will be here and I don't think that's a good idea." I told him. "Why not?" He  asked me. Should I tell him? "Let's just say that they are not parents that child want to have." I sadi. I can't tell him my past. Maybe I will one day but I can't. "I understand." He said. "Am sorry Tom." I told him. "It's Okey don't worry." He sadi.

Tom's pov:

She is heading something for me I can tell. But that kiss was so sweet. Her lips tests like honey. Her parents did something to her. And she is not happy about them coming here. I wonder why? We talk and laugh so much we played whit Willow and Milo and we ate Ice cream. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. We stared to walk home. "So will I see you tomorrow?" I asked her. "I don't know. But I hope so." She answered. She is so cute. "Bye then I will text you tonight." I told her and kissed her cheek. "Bye Tom." She sadi blushing. I love make her blush she is to cute. I went home and start live. I sing few songs and then went to call her.

Olivia's pov:

I got in to house blushing like crazy. "Well someone had fun." My brother sadi. "Yeah yeah whatever I sadi." We ate dinner. "Mom called." He sadi. I just rolled my eyes. "You know you will have to talk to them." He sadi. Suddenly. My phone 📱.  It's Tom. "I need to take this." I told him and went upstairs.
(T- Tom O- Olivia)
T: hey.
O: hi..
T: What you doing?
O: nothing. How about you?
T: same.
O:you sadi you will text me not call me.
T:Oh I will hang up then.
O:oh no no I was just saying.
T: haha I know. I hope I will see you tomorrow.
O: I hope so. I am taking Milo whit me to store tomorrow you can come if you want.
T: yeah that will me great.
O:Okey Bye Tom se you tomorrow.
T:goodnight darling.
O:good night.
And whit that I went to sleep..
So a little short chapter. I didn't fell well yesterday so I couldn't make chapter so sorry guys... but I hope you liked this one. ❤

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