Chapter 3: Sonata saves Khan.

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A few hours before Ken fell into the ocean Sonata's bus had stopped for a 5 hour break for the passengers to stretch their legs before heading back on the roads again.

"Wow this place is beautiful." Sonata though as she took in the beautiful scenery.

She walked around for a few hours before she noticed that it had started to rain.

"Oh boy well better head back to the bus and..." She said as she pulled her hoodie up over her head and was about to head back to the bus, but she saw a monkey fall into the ocean. Which was none other than Khan.

She was shocked. "Oh no, I have to help that poor animal." She said and raced to the edge of the cliff and jumped into the water.

She swam for a few minutes on the surface before diving underwater to find Khan.

After looking around for a few seconds she saw Khan, she immediately grasped him by the arm and pulled him up to the surface.

She then swam back to shore.

After about another hour the storm had finally passed and Sonata was still lying on the beach next to Khan's side to make sure that he was alright.

"Oh I hope he's okay." She thought worried as she stared down at him.

Just then Ken started to breathe. Sonata was overjoyed.

"Oh thank goodness he's breathing." She said she removed a strand of hair from in front of his eyes.

Sonata then noticed something about Ken that she didn't before. "He's actually very handsome." She said quietly as she turned his head towards her and she began to sing.

Sonata: What would I give to live where you are?

What would I pay to stay here beside you?

What would I do to see you smiling at me?

Where would we walk?

Where would we run?

If we could stay all day in the sun?

Just you and me, and I could be part of your world

As she was singing, the sun shone through the clouds and Kenbegan to wake up holding her hand that was caressing his cheek. His vision was a bit blurry but he vaguely saw a girl singing to him.

However as Sonata was singing she heard footsteps and voices coming from the distance.

"KHAN!?" Someone called, which turned out to be Sonic.

Sonata quickly ran away and hid behind some bushes.

Cheese saw Ken and hugged him but he also saw Sonata as well and tried to go after her.

"Ken Dude you're alright you had us worried there for a second." Manic said as he helped Ken up.

Ken sighed and shook his head in pain before smiling and taking a few steps away from Manic.

"A girl rescued me. She was singing. She had the most beautiful voice." Ken said dreamily before falling to the ground only to be caught by Manic again.

Sonic came and wrapped one of Khan's arms around his shoulder to support him.

"Ah Khan, I think you swallowed too much seawater. Off we go." Sonic said as he and Manic began to walk Ken away so they could treat him.

Cheese was trying to get through the bush that Sonata had run through to try and find her, when Cream spoke.

"Come on Cheese." Cream said and Cheese gave up and followed them.

But Sonata watched as they took Ken away and she couldn't stop smiling or blushing as she looked at him and she began to sing again.

Sonata: I don't know when, I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see, someday I'll be part of your world

She smiled and headed back to the bus to continue her journey.

But as Sonata got back on the bus, two people were watching her through a crystal orb.

It was none other than her two sisters Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze.

"No no no no. I can't stand it, it's too easy. Our sister has fallen in love with a Mobian." Adagio said as she watched Sonata through the orb.

"And not just any Mobian: a monkey. How hilarious!" Aria added as they both laughed at Sonata's new crush.

After laughing for a few minutes, Adagio suddenly had an idea.

"Actually this could be used to our advantage. Since we need Sonata's magic for our takeover spell to completely work, we can use her new lovesick personality to get her magic from her." She said to Aria.

Aria smiled evilly "Yes, once our takeover spell is complete we will rule the world." She said understanding her sister's plan.

Adagio smiled "Yes, but we'll need to make sure that Sonata gets her heart broken for this to work." She said smiling and then whispered to Aria her plan for how to make sure Sonata's new crush doesn't fall for her.

"Oh good idea." Aria said with a smile. Adagio laughed before changing into a woman with light purple skin, white short hair, black eyes, a black dress, and black sandals to hide her identity.

"Okay let's do this." She said and with that she and Aria went to find Sonata and make their world domination plans a success.

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