Chapter 11: Talking about Family.

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Meanwhile with Sonata and Khan, they were sitting by a river watching the beautiful scenery.

Ken blushed as he looked at a smiling Sonata.

'Come on just say something.' He thought nervously.

"So um what's your family like?" He asked which made Sonata turn her head.

Sonata didn't say anything and just stared at the ground with a sad look on her face, Ken looked at her worried.

'I wonder what's wrong?' He thought.

"What's wrong? Is your family gone? They got hurt? They don't understand you?" He asked, trying to figure out why Sonata is sad.

When Sonata heard the last part she shook her head vigorously. Ken was surprised.

"Your family doesn't understand you well, huh?" He asked.

Sonata sadly shook her head with tears forming in her eyes.

Ken looked at her with sympathy 'She has the same problems with her family like I had with my dad.' he thought before taking her hand.

Sonata looked at him with surprise when he took her hand.

Ken took a deep breath and sighed. "I know how that feels, with your family not understanding you. You see I come from a planet called Mobius and I came from a group of people called the Free People and we were a very peaceful group. I was the son of the leader of the Free People and I was the complete opposite of my people, while they were quiet, I was rather boisterous and loud. My father and I had more than a few arguments about my odd behavior and I was rather upset with that. He just never understood me." Ken said sadly as he remembered him and his father fighting about his behavior.

Sonata looked at him with empathy 'I had no idea that he and his dad had similar fights about his personality like I do with my sisters, I feel so bad for him. He and I actually have a lot more in common than I thought.' Sonata thought before giving him a hug.

Ken was surprised and hugged her back for a second before pulling them apart.

He smiled at her "Thank you for the hug. It made me feel a lot better." He said kindly.

Sonata smiled 'You're welcome.' She thought as she blushed.

When the sun started to set, Ken thought for a moment and then suddenly had an idea.

"Hey, do you want to go for a boat ride over the lake?" He asked.

Sonata smiled and shook her head.

Ken laughed "I'll take that as a yes then. You know you seem like a fun person to be around." He said and they got off of the rock where they were and walked to the lake.

They didn't know that Sweetie Belle was watching from the top of a tree.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, any kissing darling?" Rarity asked loudly.

Sweetie Belle said down the tree with a disappointed look on her face. "No, not yet." She said as she shook her head.

Rainbow Dash grew a bit impatient. "Well they'd better get cracking." She said, crossing her arms.

All the other girls and their pets followed the two of them to the lake to keep an eye on them.

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