His Tragic Story Part 12

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(A/N: Sorry for the late update! I've been busy wrapping presents. So this chapter is kind of rushed. If there's anything wrong with this chapter please tell me so I can fix it.)

He turned around, giggling. I grabbed his shoulder before he could walk away. "Huh...?" he muttered, turning his head towards me.

I swiftly swung at him and threw punches at him. He then collapsed on the floor in shock. "Agh! What the h-" I swung the wooden bat at his face before he could complete his sentence. Making sure to hit him directly in the face.

I made sure to keep beating him with the wooden bat until he begged me to stop. "AGH!" He took every strike I threw at him and eventually started bleeding from his mouth.

Everyone around us was too afraid to intervene. They just stood there in shock, staring at us. But I wasn't worried about them. I was so focused on Hyeon that I forgot there were people watching me beat him.

The beating became so bad that Hyeon began screaming and begging for help. But no one helped him. Instead, they stood there and watched... just as they did to me.

He attempted to block the hits, but it was difficult for him to even lift his arms. He was weak. His teeth eventually began to fall out, and his blood splattered all over the floor and on my shoes. His face was swollen as well. At that point, everyone started yelling at me, urging me to stop.

"STOP!" Some people in the crowd came up to me, grabbing me and attempting to stop me from hitting Hyeon. But I swung them off and started hitting them with the bat.

"Who do you think you are to touch me with your filthy hands?" I swung the bat at them and started beating them.

Some people from the crowd began running away, calling for the teachers. And the other people were just frozen.

When I looked back, I saw Hyeon attempting to crawl away. I smiled, then threw one more swing at the people who were trying to stop me. I then walked up to Hyeon and grabbed him by the hair.

Someone hit my shoulder before I could even hit him again. I swiftly turned my head and froze in shock after I saw who it was.

It was Uncle Gwan. 

Uncle Gwan is mom's brother, and he works as a police officer. He's been doing it for a long time and is really good at it.

When Dad, Ivory, and Mom were not around, Uncle Gwan would take me to many places. He was really nice to me and treated me as if I were his own son. But he doesn't have any children. I haven't seen him in years.

"I-Ivan...?" He flinched and stared at me in disbelief. He let go of my shoulder and took a step back, then said, "W-what's going on? W-what happened to your eye?" His tone softened, and his gaze was fixed on me. He seemed confused and worried.

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