His Tragic Story Part 3

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  The next day, Hyeon and I were walking down the hall together. We immediately noticed a large crowd, and it appeared that they were looking at something. My heart sank as we got farther. There were pictures of me kissing Hyeon all over the hallway. Everyone turned to look at us in disgust at that moment.

I didn't know what to do. I was too afraid to look Hyeon in the eyes. "Who took these photos...? Is Hyeon mad at me now?". These thoughts lingered in my mind.

I hoped Hyeon wasn't looking at me the same way they were. "Ivan... w-what is this?" When I finally looked at Hyeon, I noticed that he wasn't looking at me in the same way that the rest of the crowd was. It was "that" expression... I was given this look by Ivory and my father. 

I felt sick and remembered what my father had done to me the day I came out.

I'd never felt anything like this before. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, as if I'd been stabbed. Hyeon ran up to Aera in disbelief.

"A-aera! t-these photos are fake! They have to be! " He yelled, stumbling over his words. She smirked as she glanced at him.

"They aren't fake... I took them." She gave the most evil expression I'd ever seen. Hyeon froze and burst into tears. Slowly, he turned towards me, his eyes filled with hatred. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU'RE HORRIBLE! ".. He yelled, his fist clenched.

Those words tore me apart. My only friend, the person I loved, has now turned against me. I still couldn't understand what was going on... all I could do was run and cry. I blanked out as I ran and ended up in the school's restroom. I went into an empty stall and sat in front of the toilet crying and shaking as I was throwing up.

"How could she do such a thing? Hyeon hates me because of her." I couldn't stop myself from thinking. I couldn't handle the pain... my heart was hurting and I was struggling to breathe. Some time later, I came out of the bathroom, looking like a complete mess.

As I walked down the hall, someone informed me that the principal was looking for me and that I should go to his office. As I was walking to his office, I saw so many people laughing and talking about what had happened.

When I arrived at the principal's office, I immediately noticed Hyeon and his mother, who was yelling at the principal. I'd also noticed my dad, who was staring at me angrily. I was afraid to approach him or even get close to him. "Oh, Ivan, you've arrived." I overheard the principal saying,

I stayed by the door, avoiding their gaze. "This young man kissed my son! He's completely humiliated him! There is no way I can forgive him." She yelled at the principal while pointing at me. The principal tried to get her attention by saying, "M-miss, please calm down..."

"No one knows what happened, so they'll both be suspended for a few weeks."

I went completely still. I was worried that Mom would find out.

But she didn't; instead, after leaving the office, dad called mom and told her I had gotten into a fight at school. I was relieved that Dad didn't tell her what had actually happened. But when I got home, my father beat me, leaving bruises all over my body.

During the weeks I stayed at home, dad told me I couldn't eat dinner if I hadn't eaten breakfast, and if I ate dinner, I couldn't eat breakfast the next day or I'd get beat. He claimed it was punishment for what I had done at school. I didn't argue because I was aware of what he was capable of.

But that wasn't all he did... he would beat me for the littlest things, things like breaking a glass cup.

But as the weeks went by, I was finally able to go back to school. I walked into class and everyone quickly stopped to glance at me. As I walked to my desk, I noticed Hyeon was the only one not staring. It was as if he were avoiding me. I finally sat down in my seat behind him, waiting for the teacher to come in and begin class.

Usually, Hyeon and I would play and joke around before the teacher came in and started class. It felt weird not talking to Hyeon during class. "Hyeon..." I whispered to him, hoping he would turn around to at least look at me. But when I called him, he didn't bother to turn around and look at me.

I knew I had to apologize to him. Not because I wanted to be his friend again, but because of how much I had hurt him. I was aware of his feelings for Aera, but I was selfish and kissed him anyway. Before class started, I planned when and where I would apologize to him. I decided to apologize over lunch.

Hours later It was finally lunchtime, and I knew where he went during his lunch break, so I didn't have to go looking for him. Whenever it was lunch break, he would be at the back of the school, sitting on a bench near the classrooms. I made my way outside the back of the school, and there he was... sitting on the bench.

He looked so tired and miserable. Seeing him like this truly broke my heart. That happy energetic boy was gone because I broke him.

As I approached him, I began to cry. "Hyeon..." As tears streamed down my cheeks, I clenched my fist and bit my bottom lip. He still refused to look at me. "I'm sorry! I don't want you to accept my apology... I just want-". Hyeon stood up and punched me before I could finish my sentence.

As I fell to the floor, I noticed his expression... he looked so hurt. He then got down onto the floor on top of me and kept throwing punches at me. I didn't even try to stand up or fight back because I deserved every punch thrown at me. I felt like I was going to pass out at that point since my face was bruised and my nose was bleeding.

When he finished punching me, he stood up, and I looked up and looked at his hands. They appeared to be very red and sore. I looked at his face and noticed tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." As I rose from the ground, I sobbed.

"I-I'm so sorry for hurting you... please don't cry," I said as I clenched onto him tighter. A few moments later, he held me back, sobbing in my arms. Soon after, he pushed me off of him and walked away.

But the bullying did not end there...

Hyeon began to pick on me, which was more like bullying. He beat me up, said cruel things to me, and stole my belongings. He once broke the hair pin my grandmother had given me before she died, and right after that, he called me the F slur.

That was something I had to put up with for three years.

After that, I attended high school. That's where everything started getting better... or so I thought...

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