His Tragic Story Part 27

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(A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update. I injured my hand and it's been difficult to write, so I apologize if this chapter is a mess. 😥 )

I blew up Max's kitchen.

Today did not go as planned... let me start from the beginning.

I awoke today in Max's arms. He was so soft and cuddly. I was in a good mood today. Do you know how you just have that sudden burst of energy to do something? Well, that's how I felt today.

I got out of bed wanting to do something for Max and Hwan. So I decided to give cooking breakfast a shot.

I dashed towards the stove, excited. That's when I discovered a cute pink apron. I gasped and instantly put it on. "Ahh, it's so cute...!" I was hopping all over the place, thinking to myself.

"Wait...! I can't act like this right now." I stopped bouncing about and held my composure.

Before attempting to do anything, I looked up what to cook and how to cook it.

I was going to have a typical breakfast, so I didn't think it would be too difficult. It took me an hour to research all of this.

After doing a ton of research, I opened Max's refrigerator. It was packed with food. He had everything I needed.

Today I was going to make gyeran bap! (Fried eggs and rice)

I washed my hands first, then took out some rice and washed it. After washing it, I put it in the rice cooker and let it cook. Then I took a carton of eggs from the refrigerator.

After that, I greased my pan and cracked the eggs into it. "Now we wait," I thought as I waited for it to begin cooking. 10 minutes went by and it wasn't heating up at all!

"Is there something wrong?" "Bang, Bang* I hit the stove a few times in the hopes that it would eventually start working. "Ughh! What the hell?!" As I continued to bang the stove, I grumbled. It took a while for me to realize that the control knobs weren't even turned.

So I'd been standing here thinking something was wrong with the stove when it wasn't even turned on. When I realized, I completely stopped and stood there stunned. I then slapped my hand over my face and bit my lower lip. "I'm so fucking stupid..."

I was going to die right there and then. Before turning on the stove, I sighed once more. I turned the heat up to high and waited for it to cook. It took me a while to realize I didn't have anything to flip the eggs with.

"Oh, noo!" I dashed around the kitchen, opening random drawers. After about 5 minutes of searching, I came across this spatula-like thing. It was probably a spatula, though.

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