Same Old Morning

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Love comes when you least expect it.

There were many times that a man or a woman thinks that they found love when they first see someone. Their eyes lie on someone they first see and believe that this is the one, their soulmate that they want to be with for the rest of their lives.

Some succeeded but most fail and move on from their young love. Travel elsewhere, find love as they are more thorough and experienced than the last.

Majority suffers heartbreak through these breakups, some don't. But to the other percentage of the ones that do find their significant other, the two ended up living happily ever after, have kids, grow old together.

Everyone around the world want this but they have to learn something. Just because you like someone doesn't mean they'll like you too.

It doesn't take one to maintain a relationship, you can't be selfish nor be possessive. Both parties have to do their share and make it work.

...And one more thing they have to learn about love.

...Love takes time.

As I said, love comes unexpectedly.


The room was dim, through the blinds of a small dojo was the light of the sun peeking through the cracks of the blinds.

Boom! Boom!

A sound of a pair of fists wrapped in small white bandages bangs into a heavy bag while the chains holding high of the large hard dummy. Sweat trickles down the naked chest and soaking itself on a pair of shorts around a young teen who's breaths were short and hot.

Boom, boom! ...Pack!

While their arms held high in defense while shuffling around the swinging leather bag, the mats on the ground sticks to their feet and releases when they take a step. Their arms and shoulders ached every second they focused on their masochist objective, the shadowy figure was slowly getting fatigued.

Minutes passes now, the sweat becomes thicker on their body, grunting loudly to push through the pain as their punches and kicks becomes harder.

Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack!

The speed picks up more, echoing through inside the small dojo and the punches becomes quicker and constant.

Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack!

Those unique hands doesn't stop.

It keeps crashing into the bags at miraculous speed as the workout was about to come to an end.

Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack-

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-



With one more punch that was more powerful than their barrage of attacks, the bag eventually taps out and bursts it's skin open.

Sand fell as the bag becomes lighter and lighter. The small rocks falls to the canvas and covers the fighter's feet as they threw their hands on their knees for a minute and breathed heavily.

"Hah... Hah... Oh my... god..." the voice from them was masculine, sounds of a young teenager comes out of his mouth while continuing to desperately catch their breath.

His chest tightens a bit, getting up and standing straight to stretch in place as he takes a small look at the clock that emit a small green light on the wall.

Six o'clock... It's about time to get ready...

He nods to himself and waited in the room for a bit longer to get that last stretch in before it was time for him to head upstairs to clean himself up and prepare for the day ahead of him.

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now