Feeling it in the Festival

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There she was.

With a look of shock and amazement, he finds Chitoge, Raku, and none other than Tsugumi heading his way. When he recognizes the three, his focus was firmly on Tsugumi who wore a yukata nearly matching her navy hair. She was pink and flustered, they head towards his way and stopped in front of him, he was the first to speak.

"...You're... very pretty..."

She flinched softly before she fidgets around nervously. "Th-Thank you..." the two blushed and glanced away as Chitoge takes notice. "Ooh~... Flirting, are we?~"


All Chitoge did was smile innocently but went down to business. "Anyways, you two have a date! Don't waste a second out here and instead inside there!" She pushes Tsugumi followed by Raku who does the same to Y/n.

"Yeah, man! Go in there and have some fun!"


They went on to have fun as Y/n and Tsugumi went through the stalls that the festival had to offer. Y/n paid for some food for him and the girl at first before they played some games.

Tsugumi picked the first game which was to shoot two rows of fake ducks swimming from left to right. She shot them all down in a matter of seconds and without missing a single shot.

Her date was shocked at first but realized that this was Tsugumi. The same girl that pulled her gun out faster than Y/n on their first encounter.

But enough about that, the girl went on to try a more physical game. Knocking a stack of milk jugs from afar as she was filled with confidence. "You haven't realized this but I've been practicing my aim to surpass you physically!" She taunts as Y/n had his hands in his pockets, eager to what the girl had in stock.

"Well then... I can't wait to see what you can do... considering that I always beat you in a wrestling match, basketball, pull-ups-"

"Enough! Just watch..." she smirks playfully as she winds the ball up behind her and-

Fwoosh! Pat!

She throws it straight to the ground.

Just a couple of feet as the two just watched it roll for a few more and stops.


Y/n picks up the second ball near them but was still focused on the one on the ground before having something to say.

"...That... is the second worst throw ever... of all time..."

"Eh?! Second?"

Fwoosh! Pink!

Y/n easily knocks the stack down before being awarded a box of Tocky's. He eats a stick and then offered one to Tsugumi who was still curious about what he said.

"Second... worst throw?"

"Mhm..." he muffled while eating a second Tocky's stick.

"...What's the worse throw you've seen?"



Y/n and Raku were in the front yard of their home as the h/c approaches his master with a tennis ball in hand.

"Alright, Raku... Remember the steps in throwing a grenade?"

"Pull the pin... Step, wind, over, follow through..." Raku answers as Y/n nods and hands him the tennis ball. "Yup... Take this ball and show me everything you've learned..."

His master nods as he grabs the ball and mimics the exact events to operating a grenade. Pull the grenade, let the safety lever go, and then he threw it.

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now