Protect and Attack

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We timeskip forward to a few hours after the rooftop incident.

After the little fight and conflict between the four, the rest of the day hasn't been doing so good. Y/n wanted to stop Raku from fighting Tsugumi since anything could go down with a weapon maniac who could just shoot anyone between their eyes. Chitoge didn't wanna hop in, respecting Raku's choice as her bodyguard smirked evilly behind the ravenette's head.

With Raku, he told Y/n to fuck off.

What I mean by that was his bodyguard wanted to at least help him out with a few tips and tricks after giving up on stopping him. In return, Raku told him it was HIS fight and he didn't need Y/n for help. All he needs is his pride he said and just left him.

So now Y/n was all alone, he was inside his classroom as he peered out from the window and to a crowd that gathered around in the front of the school. And in front of the curious inspectors were a pair of boys standing face to face, Y/n could recognized the two from the hair colors he could distinctly find.

From what he can hear with his bodyguard senses, the boy with the navy hair told his master that as soon as the coin he flips lands on the ground, they start.

It was kind of odd that Chitoge's bodyguard made such a countdown despite the large distance between them but Y/n kept watch. And as he observed the two, his eyes were on Tsugumi first, he was trying to figure out if the boy was armed or not.

"Huh... They're really gonna fight fair and square..."

He then glanced at the ravenette on the other side. "I really hope he knows a clue of how to throw a punch... Or else he needs to scramble and not get folded like an omelette..." he adds to himself as the crowd that cheered for Tsugumi starts to die down a bit and watched as the coin was thrown in the air.



It sounded like a small bell, Raku gets into a sloppy defensive position...

His jaw would hit the ground immediately as his opponent starts pulling out every kind of weapon from behind his and was holstered on his back or was aiming at Raku.

"...He's getting his shit rocked..."


After that was just deafening, sounds of bullets spraying and explosions emitting was the only music anyone could hear as Raku sprinted into the school and so did Tsugumi.

"...God, my ears..." Y/n complained as he starts to rub his numb ears. "Should've known Tsugumi was gonna pull something like that..."

Y/n walks from the window, still caressing his paining ears as he takes his phone out and tracked down where Raku was running to.

"...Damn... He's faster than the last time we ran..." he said as he watched a dot run at lightning speed, leaning on the table as he continues to see that his master was not slowing down to fight this boy.

He continues to watch, the spot runs up a flight of stairs and runs on a certain floor that Y/n was on. He tilts his head as he starts to hear footsteps grew loud from the hallway.


"Y/n!" He pants while shoving chairs and tables at the door until none was left useless. Once done, he runs up to his servant and grabs him by the collar. "Ya gotta help me! That lunatic is going to kill me!" He shook his servant violently, earning a series of wobbly groans until he finally stops him.

He had a smile on his face that made Raku smiled as well, "I knew I could count on-"

"I can't..." he then turns away with a frown on his face, brushing Raku's hands off and sniffles. "Eh? What are you saying?"

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now