Learn the Signs

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The rest of the week since Tsugumi first appeared went great. Unless if you're affiliated with the gang or the gang's son specifically, then it didn't go so great.

During the past week, it has been a hassle for Raku and his bodyguard. Especially with Y/n as he knew the new student's true intentions in enrolling to school and now was on his toes twenty-four seven.

He had to change his game plan from distant observer to a clingy bitch as long as Tsugumi gets near Raku. Not that he would want to be called that since Chitoge's bodyguard was already acting like that in Y/n and Raku's head but Y/n doesn't want to make Raku feel overwhelmed.

Even when Y/n knows that his firearms skills were far more inferior, mixed emotions were in him as he was more than both anger and disappointed.

A little bit of determination and annoyance was in the mix, he was going to do whatever it takes to protect his master even if it kills him.


"Huh?! Yes, master?!"

Shaking off his deep thoughts, he hasn't realized he was already walking to the doors of school. He turns to find Raku with a displeased look. "Didn't I tell you to stop doing that after the first time?"

"What? Thinking so deep into my thoughts?"

"No, the thing I caught you doing!"


Thirty minutes ago, Raku was getting dressed into his uniform in his room. He finished with everything that he has done for the morning like freshen up, make food, and was now pulling on his black vest onto his body. He lets out a sigh, "Where is that damn boy?"

He wasn't able to find his bodyguard since he woke up on his own. It was a miracle that he managed to wake up by himself but something caught him when he woke up.

And that was his uniform wasn't folded up like it usually was everyday when he gets out of bed. It wasn't even taken out of his closet.

He wasn't lazy, it was something small that Y/n would always do even when he has asked him many times that he was fine with doing most things by himself. It became a daily thing but today wasn't the case.


"Dammit!" His voice rung out from the mansion as it nearly shook Raku in his soul.


"Come on!" He continues to shout after a gun goes off, Raku was trying to figure out what the commotion was as he grabs his bag and runs downstairs.

When he gets downstairs, he asked the yakuza where the boy was and directed him in the basement. He does so and found an unsettling sight.

There he was, his bodyguard as he was facing with one of his teammates that wore a black and gold uniform with a pair of quad high shorts and white sneakers. He had a handgun pointed at the h/c, his dark brown eyes focusing as he shot the gun.


It went towards Y/n at high speeds as he stayed there for a second and dodges it at the last second. "Fuck... Come on, one more!"

"I think you need to calm down... You've been trying to catch a bullet with your teeth for the last five minutes... And I'm running dry of bullets here..." the ravenette with golden highlights replied as he checks his magazine and wanted to stop for Y/n's sake.

"I need to train, Noodle! Now shoot!"

The tanned boy rolls his eyes as he aims the gun back up and aimed it at the h/c's teeth.

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now