Saving Tsugumi Seishiro

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Eventually, the study session ended with a bang.

Although two and a half hours were short in their eyes, it seemed like they had enough time to have a little bit of fun as they all exited the restaurant with small smiles on their faces.

Laughing, talking, smacking the roof of his mouth...

...Playing pranks, helping each other out...

...Glancing at everyone's drinks and shaking his head...

Nobody seemed to notice but Tsugumi.

Two and a half hours he had to endure.

Why was he doing this to himself?

For two and a half hours, Y/n struggled. He'd smack the roof of his mouth, glance at everyone's drinks and shake his head, licking his lips nervously, he showed a few signs that he wasn't fine.

Tsugumi knew that he was thirsty but why can't he speak for himself and grab a drink.

It didn't make sense but he went through all of the trouble just for what?

Now it was time to leave and she could see that Y/n was really thirsty. It was getting ridiculous so she decides to take the car initiative for the h/c.

And by that,


She tugs on Chitoge's sleeve.

"Is something wrong, Tsugumi?"

"...C-Can I... borrow... some... money?"

Though it was her plan to do so, she was a little nervous.

Of course this was Y/n she was helping, his emotions and whatnot were hard to predict but she also felt shameful to ask her own mistress for some money.

She didn't know what she was going to say but instead Chitoge asked, "What for? Are you thirsty?"

"...Not... exactly..."

She glanced over to Y/n who smacked and licked his lips with thirst as Chitoge followed her gaze. She knew what she was trying to say. "Aw~... You're so cute, Tsugumi~..." she said before taking out a few yen coins. "Grab Y/n a-"


Chitoge winces back softly, "You know his favorite drink?"


She smiles softly.

"Alright, get him one while we wait for you outside, okay?"

"Yes, Miss..." Tsugumi replies before taking her leave to grab Y/n a drink.


"Where is Tsugumi?" A few students asked as they waited for a good few minutes outside of the restaurant.

As of now, everyone were trying to make a plan while they waited for Tsugumi. They were deciding on which place they would go for a quick relaxing activity, a number of ideas popped into their heads and be dismissed either quickly or thoroughly.

With everyone helping each other, one was focused on themselves, their back against the group as he takes a look at inside of his wallet.

He finds a few yen bills in it and sighed to himself.

"...I hope this'll last me until payday..." he said as counted around fifty hundred yen and calculated how many days he has left until he gets some money again.

Today was Monday and he gets money again on Friday, four days until he gets his paycheck and stuffs it in his pocket.

"...Everyone at home envies me because they want to guard and spoil Master Raku but it's not that easy... At times, you'd want to spend something for yourself and being on the run from a few people is already hard enough for me... and I'm their best guy in the yakuza..."

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now