Barging into a Meeting

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The next thing he could see after the friendly ambush was the ceiling in his room. He was awake a few minutes ago but his body felt stiff to get up.

"My back... Damn..."

That was the problem, sitting up from his bed and let's out a big sigh and twists his back both ways.

Relieving some stress at the very least, he gets up and stretch a little more before heading to the mirror of his room.

There were bandages around his torso and his arms.

Shirtless and with only shorts on, he takes a peek under the white tape. His stomach looked fine.

He wish the same could be said with his back and arms as they had noticeable swelling from the slam and recoil he embraced happily today.

He doesn't removes them, a memory crawls into his mind as he remembered the reason why the men attacked him and Raku in the first place.

"It doesn't makes sense though... Why would Tsugumi even think about beating up Master Raku in the first place?"

"It's because I love him!"



Shouting from outside his room.

"Are you kidding me?!"

Unaware of what was going on, Y/n decided to find out what was going on as he pulls a shirt on and heads downstairs and to the main room where he last heard the shouting from.

"Jesus, what's with all the shouting?"


Both of the gangs were here.

His own and the Bee Hive Clan as everyone in the room from the "couple" to the visiting grunts. Everyone turns their attention to the boy which concerned him, he finds Raku in front of everyone as he scoots over to him and whispered.

"...Am I interrupting something?"

"Why, Tsugumi?" He heard the leader of the Bee Hive Clan, Claude point their general direction. "Why do you like this boy? Not to mention, boys in general?"

Boy? She likes Master Raku?

That didn't make sense at all.

If Tsugumi liked Raku, why would she go out of her way to attack his master? Wouldn't it make sense to reveal her love intentions to Mistress instead of causing so much drama.

But at the same time, there was Chitoge, Marika, Onadere, there was even that one girl that was acquainted with Tsugumi so his suspicions were not entirely false.

Even so, these questions had to be answered later as Claude had said something that caught his attention earlier.

Why do you like boys?

"You are a boy... You should be liking girls instead... So explain... please..."

"Because Tsugumi isn't a boy..."

Y/n immediately figured out why the man asked such a bewildering question.


He remembered it.

Tsugumi's false identity when him and the girl first met at school. Why she was dressed as a boy and had a last name strictly meaning boy.

Claude made her this way when she truly wasn't.

Tsugumi Seishiro x Bodyguard Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now